
Beyoncé Will Give You Free Concert Tickets — But Only If You’re Vegan

You’d do anything — literally anything — to see the all-powerful Queen Bey, Miss Carter, Beyoncé herself, right? Well, would you convert to veganism? That’s right! Would you give up your plans for this weekend’s Korean BBQ for the Queen herself? Would you stop noshing on soppressata at parties? Would you skip out on the blessed McDonald’s Dollar Menu during your Sunday morning hangover? Yes, yes, and yes?

GOOD. Because if you join Bey’s vegan tribe, you can maybe — just maybe! — win free tickets to her and Jay-Z’s shows. Yeah, not just ANY tickets. We’re talking free tickets for the next 30 years. Yes, you heard us correctly.

Thirty. Years.

Who’s not allowed? Anyone who eats meat. They don’t want ya. Nope, move along. Vegans only.

Through Bey and Jay’s 22 Days Nutrition company as well as their Greenprint Project, they promised that anyone who makes the commitment to veganism (and environmental friendliness) will be eligible to win two free tickets to every freaking show for the next three decades.

Excuse us as we pass out on the floor, hands clasped in prayer (with bellies full of zucchini noodles).

Check out Beyoncé’s post right here. Are you going to make the pledge?

Want to get involved? Click the link in Bey’s Instagram bio, enter your details and your pledge specifics, and patiently wait until May 22nd, when the heavens will open and a random winner will be chosen.

Beyonce went vegan in 2013, and according to Good Morning America, she says of her veganism: “I am not naturally the thinnest woman. And I have struggled since a young age with diets. And finding something that actually works and actually keeps the weight off has been difficult for me. [I] got the weight off fast, and the weight stayed off… I felt like my skin was really firm, a lot tight[er] than when I deprived myself of food.”

We sure do think Bey looks amazingly healthy and strong.

People even create workouts based on Bey — and it’s no surprise. She’s fit! Veganism, or just queenliness?

She’s truly an inspiration. And the fact that she is so focused on the environment and health is so cool, too.

Look at Bey. Just look at her!

Beyoncé’s new food venture is a vegan meal delivery service, so if you’re interested in doing the exact same thing Bey does because she’s a Queen, and if you have some extra dollars to drop, check it out.

Otherwise, check out these vegan plates and get inspired (and earn your keep as the holder of tickets to 30 years’ worth of Beyoncé concerts):

Like mac n’ cheese? This is 100% plant-based!

Smoothie bowls are everything. Check this one out for the mornings.

Magenta food! This is actually a serving of “nice-cream”!

Check out this sweet and spicy tofu! Yum.

Have a taste for pasta? Keep it clean and healthy with this sweet potato vegan bowl!

The internet is full of tips for going vegan, if you want to. Did you know…

Here’s your Beyoncé shopping list! Get ready to win those tickets.

We wonder if this is a vegan burger?

Are you going to sign up? Are you taking the vegan pledge?

Good luck and godspeed, vegan friends! We hope to see you at the show.

Samantha Wachs

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