
Kim And Khloé Kardashian Respond To “Tummy Tea” Ad Criticism

Weeks after being called out by actress Jameela Jamil for endorsing the non-FDA approved “tummy tea,” Khloé Kardashian, sister Kim, and mom Kris responded to the negative feedback in a New York Times interview. And it’s clear that the Kardashian krew is not backing down.

Jamil went after Khloé on a since-deleted March 20th Instagram post the reality star uploaded to promote Flat Tummy Co’s detox shakes. “If you’re too irresponsible to: a) own up to the fact that you have a personal trainer, nutritionist, probable chef, and a surgeon to achieve your aesthetic, rather than this laxative product … And b) tell them the side effects of this NON-FDA approved product, that most doctors are saying aren’t healthy. Side effects such as: Possible Flat Tummy Tea side effects are cramping, stomach pains, diarrhea and dehydration… Then I guess I have to,” Jamil sounded off in the comments.

On Saturday, March 30th, Khloé responded to Jamil’s criticism via an interview with the Times“Well, listen, I am showing you what to do, silly person, 15 repetitions, three times, here’s the move,” Khloé said in regards to Jamil’s claim that workouts are responsible for Khloé’s flat tummy, not the tea.

Furthermore, Khloé added that she does not have a personal chef and never has.

Both Kim and Kris came to Khloé’s defense. “I don’t live in that negative energy space,” Kris told the Times. “Ninety percent of people will be really excited about the family and the journey and who we are.”

Kim added that she and her sisters only promote products they actually use — like teeth whitening solutions and waist trainers. They’re not in the promo biz simply to make a quick buck, she said.

“If there is work that is really easy that doesn’t take away from our kids, that’s like a huge priority, if someone was faced with the same job opportunities, I think they would maybe consider,” Kim said. “You’re going to get backlash for almost everything so as long as you like it or believe in it or it’s worth it financially, whatever your decision may be, as long as you’re O.K. with that.”

We’re not so sure we would consider, Kim. We’d like to think we’d think about the greater good first, but…

These excuses do nothing for Jamil. The Good Place actress responded to the interview in a March 31st tweet. To her, it still sounds as if the Kardashians are choosing money over being good role models for their fanbase.

“I have been given these same opportunities to flog this stuff, and I don’t do it, so they don’t have to,” Jamil tweeted. “Thank you, next.”

And Jamil later added that the irony of having started her “I Weigh” movement — a movement dedicated to weighing one’s worth in positive attributes rather than pounds or wealth — in defense of the Kardashians is not lost on her. “It’s quite hilarious,” she tweeted.

As the Times reminded us, Jamil has called the Kardashians “double agents for the patriarchy,” who continue to “sell us self-consciousness” in an era when women are desperately trying to escape outdated gender roles.

Yet despite their poor business choices, support for the Kardashians hasn’t dwindled.

Thankfully, Jamil isn’t backing down from the fight, either.

As long as the Kardashians and Jenners choose to promote dangerous and unnecessary “health” products that make their followers feel inadequate, Jamil will continue her crusade to remind both men and women that tummy teas, teeth whiteners, and waist trainers are not must-haves.

And we, along with so many others, will support her on her quest to enlighten everyone to their self-worth. That’s the best kind of promotion there is.

Jamil must have made some sort of dent in Khloé’s resolve, considering that Khloé’s sponsored post was removed. We’d love for the Kardashians to come over to the other side. Imagine the good their platform could do!

Until they choose ethics over megabucks, we’ll stick with Jamil and help her remind Kardashian diehards that life is about so much more than flat tummies. The diarrhea and dehydration that leads to that flat tummy isn’t worth it, dude.

We’re a proud member of the Jamil Squad. And we won’t quit until everybody loves themselves.

Again, the Kardashians are not evil. They’re simply uneducated in what true beauty is all about. So instead of attacking our fellow women, let’s simply school them and inspire them to do better.

We love you, Jameela. And we also love the social media support group you’ve created.


The post may have been deleted, but the fight is far from over.

Samantha Wachs

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