
12 Delicious Ways to Drink Coffee

Besides water, coffee is probably the most important drink to me. Can anybody else relate? Take a look at several…

11 months ago

We Found The Truth About Coca-Cola’s Color: Let’s See

Coca-Cola has been around for a very long time — since 1886, actually! — so it's no surprise that there are…

12 months ago

Starbucks Officially Launched The Drink We’ve All Been Whispering About

UPDATE (Wednesday, July 10th, 2019 at 9:45 a.m. PT): Throughout the years, Starbucks has proven time and time again that…

5 years ago

You Can Get A Free Starbucks Frappuccino Today, And No, We’re Not Kidding

Is there anything better than a Starbucks Happy Hour? Maybe — if it was a Starbucks Happy Hour surrounded by…

5 years ago

The Bottom Of Your Coke Bottle Has A Secret Code On It — Here’s What It Me...

It may be an unhealthy food habit, but I always have Diet Coke in the house. While I normally limit…

5 years ago

Dr. Pepper Just Released A New Soda, Its First New Flavor In Five Years

I have a special bond with Dr. Pepper. For one, it's the only doctor I enjoy spending time with. And…

5 years ago

Starbucks Is Releasing A New Drink, But Is Annoying People With A Puzzle First

Grab your magnifying glasses, internet sleuths. Starbucks has gone cryptic and is currently driving fans crazy. The coffee chain uploaded…

5 years ago

The Myth That You Shouldn’t Drink Water While Eating Is Absolutely Not True

Sorry, moms of the world. You're just flat-out wrong. If your mother has scared you off from drinking water while…

5 years ago

The Giant Drink Trend On Instagram Is Actually Really Dangerous

Super-sized alcoholic drinks have been ~everywhere~ on social media lately. You've probably seen one of the following: Bloody Marys served…

5 years ago

17 Discontinued Soda Flavors We’re Surprised People Actually Drank

One of my ultimate favorite dates with my husband happened years before our wedding. It was a Wednesday night, and…

5 years ago

A Coca-Cola Spill Flooded An Entire Neighborhood — The Photos Are CRAZY

What's worse, an oil spill or a Coca-Cola leak? After seeing footage from a Coca-Cola spill that flooded several blocks…

5 years ago

Starbucks’s Cadbury Creme Egg Frappuccino Is The Perfect Secret Menu Item Fo...

One of our favorite chocolate Easter treats has crossed over to the coffee side. Thanks to a beautiful mind somewhere…

5 years ago

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