Ice cream isn’t limited to traditional flavors like vanilla, chocolate, or strawberry. Let’s look at 30 weird ice cream flavors we dare you to try.

1. Horse Meat

A small plate with a platter of raw horse meat (basashi). A delicacy in Japan.

Originating from Japan, Horse Meat ice cream has raised many eyebrows. It has a distinct, smoky taste that closely resembles a rich and tangy barbecue.

Coupled with a touch of sweetness, this combination creates an unusual balance. This daring choice challenges the traditional perception of ice cream, for better or worse.

This one usually doesn’t get too much love from many people, and understandably so. If it were pig flavor you may get more interest from bacon-lovers!

2. Spaghetti and Cheese

If you’ve ever wanted a plate of spaghetti and cheese along with an ice cream cone, you’re in luck. Spaghetti and Cheese ice cream is finally here.

Inspired by Italian-American cuisine, this weird ice cream flavor pushes the boundaries of combining sweet and savory. It uses real spaghetti and a cheese-based cream

This results in a unique fusion of dinner and dessert. It’s weird, to say the least, but oddly enough, this ice cream flavor is enjoyed by some!

3. Wasabi

Another unusual treat from Japan is wasabi ice cream. While it may not be the typical kind of sweet, it offers a refreshing (if surprising) experience.

The ice cream’s cooling properties are quickly followed by a pleasant heat, creating a rollercoaster of sensations. This is another majorly odd flavor that many would consider foul however there are individuals who have found it to be a satisfying flavor.

Ice Cream #17: Lobster

In Maine, USA, the home of the freshest lobsters, you can also find Lobster ice cream. This buttery vanilla ice cream is loaded with chunks of cooked lobster meat. Despite sounding strange, it is a beloved local delicacy that unexpectedly embraces the flavors of the seaside. It has a sweet and salty type of flavor, it can be made at home, and it isn’t the worst tasting of the bunch. Lobster after all is delicious!

Ice Cream #16: Garlic

Experience a different kind of adventure with Garlic ice cream from California’s annual Garlic Festival. The surprising combination of the strong, aromatic garlic and the sweet, creamy base creates a flavor that people can’t get enough of.

Ice Cream #15: Ghost Pepper

If you love extreme spice, you must try Ghost Pepper ice cream. Made with one of the world’s hottest chilies, this ice cream starts off sweet and creamy but then delivers an explosive hit of heat that will surely keep you on your toes.

Ice Cream #14: Charcoal

Charcoal ice cream, inspired by gothic aesthetics, has become popular for its striking black color and supposed detoxifying properties. It has a slightly smoky yet neutral taste, allowing other flavors to shine. Its weirdness lies more in its appearance than its flavor. Charcoal flavor has become quite popular and is not too hard to find.

Ice Cream #13: Cicada

Georgi Baird/

Talk about weird…For the adventurous eaters, there’s Cicada ice cream. This unique flavor is made using boiled, chocolate-covered cicadas. It offers a crunchy texture and tastes similar to nuts. It proves the saying that “we eat with our eyes first.”

Ice Cream #12: Ranch

ranch dressing spill

That’s right, ranch dressing. It has been invented and it is something that exists, but to call it tasty may be a stretch. Even the biggest ranch enthusiast may have a hard time getting over the odd texture of a frozen ranch treat. That being said, its pretty unique, and someone must like it!

Ice Cream#11: Caviar

Caviar, the epitome of luxury, has been transformed into a French ice cream flavor. This unique ice cream combines the oceanic saltiness of caviar with the creaminess of the ice cream base. It’s a gourmet experience that is definitely strange yet strangely addictive.

Ice Cream #10: Tomato Ice Cream


Tomato ice cream is certainly not meant for someone who is not a fan of tomatoes, but it certainly accomplishes the goal of being weird! Ketchup and tomato sauce fans, step up! This is your ideal ice cream.

Just don’t forget a big basket of fries to go with it!

Ice Cream #9: Hot Dog Ice Cream

The Foot Long Ballpark Hotdog with, Ketchup, Mustard, Relish and Onions

Most people think of hot dogs as just a conventional baseball snack, but an ice cream flavor?! That’s right. Filled with bits of onion and usually a mustard topper, this can be your hotdog sundae!

It is definitely a strange flavor of ice cream, it is far from the most appetizing, but anything hot dog related is good, right?!

Ice Cream #8: Curry Ice Cream

Chicken tikka masala curry with rice and naan bread.

Curry plays a traditional role as one of the main components in Indian food, but it actually is frequently found in other less-conventional foods like soda or ice cream.

Curry may not be the first flavor that you think of, but it does offer a unique flavor. The spicy taste also has some aromas to it that could be made into a tasty treat.

Ice Cream #7: Foie Gras Ice Cream

Pan Searing Foie Gras

Foie Gras is delicious and makes some incredibly elegant meals perfect, but what role does it play being in a bowl of ice cream?

Well it really doesn’t, but a lot of people make Foie Gras on the sweeter side, and that within itself means it could make a solid dessert. Give it a try, who knows?!

Ice Cream #6: Red Bean Ice Cream

Red beans are normally seen in a salad or maybe in a bowl of chili, but putting it in ice cream is plain weird. Who wants to eat a bowl of ice cream and take a big bite of red beans.

Say what you want, but at least you have an easy topping for your ice cream, red beans!

Ice Cream #5: Cheetos Ice Cream

cheese puffs- orange lunch tray diet series

Cheetos are one of the most popular snacks in the world. Each bite is a tasty and cheesy crunch. Some people would probably never in a million years try this, but Cheeto-lovers may be willing to give it a try.

Ice Cream #4: Balsamic Vinegar Ice Cream

Organic Black Balsamic Vinegar in a Bottle

Balsamic vinegar plays a pivotal role in a number of different dishes. It offers an element of sweetness that accompanies the tartness of the vinegar quite well.

It is not hard to believe this is one of the more common bizarre ice cream flavors, but still it could be a really tasty new option!

Ice Cream #3: Squid Ink Ice Cream

squid black ink gourmet plate top view

We really don’t know what to do with this one…It’s not super easy to come across squid ink, but squid ink ice cream?!

Maybe cut some octopus up to put on top, make it a sweet dinner, but we really can’t offer much advice here, squids belong in the sea!

Ice Cream #2: Blue Cheese Ice Cream

Slice of French Roquefort cheese with walnuts

Okay so we talked about ranch dressing ice cream, so its only right we talk about blue cheese! What is better than a side of blue cheese with your buffalo wings?!

Blue cheese does have the ability to go well with sweet ingredients, and we talked about a few different ice creams involving cheese, but blue cheese ice cream is definitely the most bizarre of them all.

Ice Cream #1: Sardine Ice Cream

Canned Fish - Sardines in a Tin

And lastly here we get to the sardines! Sardines have absolutely no place in ice cream, but it certainly deserves the title for the most bizarre ice cream flavor.

It’s fishy, it’s smelly, and it is not going to be appetizing, but it definitely will be a story to tell!