Food News

McDonald’s New Ramen “Shake Shake” Fries Sound Like A Foodie Dream Come True

McDonald’s locations in America have been wowing fans with their bacon and cheese fries, but the U.S.A. isn’t the only country that’s mixing things up a bit. Hong Kong locations, once again, are lucky to try a fry flavor you’ve probably never even thought of before — ramen.

Most of us were introduced to ramen noodles thanks to Nissin, the company that’s single-handedly saved college students a bunch of time and money.

Instant noodles are great, but they pale in comparison to the real thing. Kind of like how microwave pizza is good, but the stuff you call in and pick up from a shop is way better. That said, McDonald’s new ramen fries actually imitate the quick-boil variety. But, the two ramen flavors are slightly different than what you might expect.

Instead of “chicken” or “beef,” the new McDonald’s fries will be available in black garlic pork broth and sesame oil flavors.

They’re both being advertised as Shake Shake Fries. According to Insider, the flavor packet comes separately from the bag (yes, bag) of fries — but based on photos, the standard red package is still a big part of the operation.

By pouring and shaking, customers can get an even coat on every piece.

Which means that technically, you can make a similar product at home. But it’s probably nowhere near half as good.

Not only do they look delicious, but they look like they have the potential to make you very, very thirsty.

Good thing McDonald’s has a cure for that. Ice-cold soda, anyone?

But not everyone is on board. So far, the black garlic flavor is getting mixed reviews. On Instagram, user kathy_yeung stated:

“It was okay. It tasted like black garlic but a little bit salty.”

Here’s what they look like close-up. Because admit it — you want to know.

And here they are in the bag.

Despite what others said, it might be hard not to just devour them all in one sitting.

The sesame oil flavor has yet to be released.

Insider reports that it’ll make its grand debut in Hong Kong locations on March 21st.

Black garlic pork broth, however, has been around since the end of February.

And as you can see, those who entered a McDonald’s in Hong Kong couldn’t help but give them a try.

These fries aren’t a new concept. Shocking, right?

Countries like Japan have had Shake Shake Fries on McDonald’s menus as well.

One of their latest flavors is Nori, which is making quite the splash.

Seaweed is also a popular flavor out there. It appeared in Hong Kong locations back in 2010. Yep — nine whole years ago.

Seaweed might not really win the “most popular” award in certain countries, but even having the option must have been nice.

It’s hard not to feel a little envious.

Especially when you hear this: Certain countries also offer cheese. My first thought is, why not America?

Come on now, McDonald’s — why have you been holding out on us for so long?

No offense to the cheese and bacon fries.

They’re delicious, but pretty much the only change that American McDonald’s locations have made in a very long time.

Based on my own memory, I feel like the only McDonald’s product that ever involved shaking was the McSalad Shakers.

Which, not going to lie — I really miss and think about more often than most.

McDonald’s locations in America have been a little more health-conscious recently.

Perhaps that’s why we don’t get the same variety of fries as others.

But hey — plain fries are still good. It’s hard to find a fast food fry equal to McDonald’s original version.

If anything, hearing about the fries on international menus may make you want to experiment a bit at home.

If not ramen flavoring, perhaps you’ll want to check out your spice rack and see if you can create your own fun concoction that’ll make fast food night even better.

Samantha Wachs

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