So Yummy
When it comes to diets, trendy and otherwise, we think you need to stop being so hard on yourself. A lot of diets out there are unrealistic and hard to keep up with, which can make things pretty stressful once you consider giving them a try. That’s why we think — no matter what your zodiac sign is — you should start with simple, practical changes that allow you to be more mindful about what you’re putting into your body. Eating healthy doesn’t have to be horrible — with some creativity and new ideas, it can be really fun.
To make your new “diet” even more enjoyable, we thought we’d make some suggestions for you based on your zodiac sign. Taking each sign’s personality into account, we came up with some wellness ideas for what you should try to accomplish over the next few weeks. After all, what’s better than getting healthy with the stars on your side?
Sign: Aries
With your “go! go! go!” personality, it’s easy for you to lose track of just how many cups of coffee you’ve consumed — which is especially dangerous when you’re using that as a replacement for water. So grab that reusable bottle, fill it with water, and try your best to limit your caffeine consumption.
Sign: Taurus
You’re a glutton for nice things — nice restaurants, relaxing nights filled with takeout and new movies. While delivery and restaurant food is a nice treat, it’s not always the best for you. So that you know exactly what goes into your food, we think that now would be a great time for you to start preparing your own meals.
Sign: Gemini
This coming year, go through your cabinets and take a look at all of the processed food you’ve stowed away for tough times. Consider replacing those with healthy alternatives. Instead of chips, try roasted chickpeas with fun spices. Rather than chowing down on cookies or crackers, grab some carrots and hummus. The options are more endless than you think.
Sign: Leo
Though your dedication to what you love is amazing, it can sometimes get you into trouble. Say, for instance, you’re going through a phase where you’re obsessed with only Caesar salad. The problem? You’re forgetting all your other food groups. Make sure that going forward, you promise yourself that your plate will be more colorful.
Sign: Cancer
You’re a creature of comfort, which means that you often rely on nostalgic, salty and sweet snacks that satisfy your cravings. Now, life is all about trying new things, so why not expand your palette? Experiment with using fruits and veggies in new and fun ways, giving your pantry snacks a run for their money. Remember that change is good.
Sign: Virgo
You’re already a pretty conscientious eater as is, so we think that now is the perfect time for you to take things up a notch. Head to your local plant shop, grab some seeds, and get to planting your own garden. If you don’t have enough outdoor space, go with some herb plants that can be placed on your kitchen counter (in natural sunlight!). Think of all the fresh foods you can create!
Sign: Libra
With a love of all things sweet and romantic, we’ll bet you have a secret hiding spot for your favorite candy. Though milk chocolate tends to be sweeter, dark chocolate is just as good (especially when you buy it filled with fruits and nuts) — and it’s better for you. You’re still giving your sweet tooth what it wants, but with a fun twist.
Sign: Scorpio
As a passionate person, you often get lost in what you’re doing and forget to take care of yourself in the most basic ways. If you’re going to do anything to better yourself, we highly recommend that you remember to drink enough water. Buy yourself a badass reusable bottle and straws as an incentive. Set reminders on your phone. Do whatever it takes to keep your body happy and hydrated.
Sign: Sagittarius
Use your adventurous personality in your favor and seek out some unique recipes you’ve never tried before — preferably healthy ones! If you’ve never tried vegan or vegetarian food, add some to your recipe bucket list. Experiment with different flavors and spices. Look at other cultures for inspiration. Give yourself some room to try new foods this month.
Sign: Capricorn
With your responsible personality and solid self-control, we imagine that you already eat relatively healthy. Taking it to the next level, you should give meal-prepping a try. That way you can ensure that you’re eating healthy foods to make your body happy. This will also save you more time during the week, so you can indulge in some much-needed self-care.
Sign: Aquarius
As a social person who loves hanging with friends, it might be hard for you to stay away from party food — cheese, crackers, bread, the works. This coming year, try embracing alternatives. Make healthy dips, buy vegan cheese, and use veggies instead of crackers or bread. You’re creative enough to make these changes happen (and to make them delicious!).
Sign: Pisces
You have a fun personality that enjoys sweet foods and savory snacks. Though you know better, it can be hard to stay away from these treats when you’re stressed out. Over the next few weeks, stop buying candy and snacks, and start buying more vegetables. It might not be the most “fun” advice, but it will do you some good — especially if you also make yourself some yummy veggie dips.
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