Food News

The Four New Food Emojis Are Causing Quite A Stir

Since a picture is worth a thousand words — even a tiny one — prepare to dramatically expand your vocabulary with the tap of a screen. In honor of World Emoji Day, which took place on July 17th, both Apple and Google announced that they will be releasing brand new emojis later this year.

Mac users will be able to access 59 new tiny pictures, while Android fans will have 65 to choose from. We have heart eyes for the work both companies have done to make their selections more inclusive. For example, there are new emojis showing people using wheelchairs or canes, plus artificial limbs, and service dogs. The traditional holding hands couple has also had a makeover, allowing us to personalize the gender of each partner and their skin tone — there will be 75 possible combinations on Apple, and 71 on Android.

In addition, we’ll also be getting new animals: Apple and Android will be giving users a sloth, a flamingo, an orangutan and a skunk, and Android has also confirmed that they’ve created an adorable otter.

But obviously, we’re also keen to find out what new foods we’ll be able to use. Both companies have confirmed four new additions to their emoji menus: a garlic bulb, a waffle, a plate of falafel, and a stick of butter.

And here are Android’s:

People really heart emojis, so of course Twitter has Thoughts on these new ones. First of all, the waffle is extremely welcome, since it’s been top of many people’s request list.

Campaigns have been launched to make this dream happen:

Especially in light of the success of a certain show…

Now it’s here, the joy is palpable:

It’s enough to really make you want your own edible version.

The falafel emoji was just as welcome.

It’s going straight to the top of this user’s favorites list:

Forget petitions: people were calling on a higher power to get this one made.

However, now it’s here, Apple’s in particular is drawing some criticism. Let’s compare:

See the issue some have raised?

Android 1: Apple 0. Fortunately, Apple did a better job on one of the others:

Android 1: Apple 1.

Of course, food emojis aren’t just about eating…

And people are already preparing alternate meanings for these new ones, especially garlic.

One obvious potential use:

People are also ready for the butter. Really ready:

But some have their doubts about the design.

There’s disagreement over who did it butter- er, better.

And besides…

Someone will find a reason… Meanwhile, people are already putting in requests for the next round of food emojis.

Even the emoji experts are weighing in:

Maybe one for Christmas fans?

If you’ve already plotted 56 ways to use the falafel, or are looking to spread the butter emoji far and wide, here’s when and how to get them. Apple users will have to wait until fall 2019, when they’ll be available in a free software update. The Android ones will be included with Android Q, Android’s next operating system: a beta version is available now, with the full version expected to launch in August.

Samantha Wachs

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