Sometimes I reminisce about the days when I’d go to a coffee shop or cafe and not have to worry about finding a seat near an outlet. Nowadays, it’s like we expect every establishment to have WiFi, so it’s like a battle just to plug my laptop in. And even then, I’m super weird about people being able to see my screen.
Apparently, some people don’t care about those lookers, let alone consider that places are keeping track of the content they look at. Starbucks is about to change that. They just announced that they will no longer allow patrons to view porn on the store’s WiFi. That’s great news — we’re just a little surprised this wasn’t already in place.
A representative of Starbucks told Delish that they “have identified a solution to prevent this content from being viewed within our stores and we will begin introducing it to our US locations in 2019.” They also said they’ve run tests to make sure sites mistaken as porn-filled wouldn’t get blocked.
According to Grubstreet, Starbucks is finally doing this because of tons of earlier pressure. The same non-profit organization that convinced McDonald’s to enact this rule in 2016, Enough is Enough, has been urging Starbucks to adopt the rule.
Starbucks even agreed at the time, but hasn’t said anything about it until now.
Ummm... enough people are watching porn in public at #starbucks that it is an issue? Yikes.
— Ashton Edwards (@AshtonEdwards4) November 29, 2018
While the rule will actively prevent certain Starbucks customers from taking advantage of free WiFi, that won’t be until 2019. We just all hope that people aren’t watching porn in Starbucks as much as it sounds. And if you go to Starbucks for coffee, like most people do, please be aware of the screens around you.