Leticia Adkins of Muskegon, Michigan doesn’t “buy pop to be preached to,” which is probably true for most soda drinkers. However, on April 1st, Adkins found a dense religious note in her 24-pack of Pepsi titled, “Pay Attentions = Before it’s to Late.” Um… yikes.
“I felt something brush my hand,” Adkins told local news station 13 On Your Side. “I’m like, ‘What is this piece of paper?’ I opened it up and that’s where I found the self-help with the scriptures on it.”
The note is handwritten on a single sheet of unlined paper and includes a list of Bible verses on one side and a personal interpretation of those verses on the reverse.
“Somebody put a lot of effort into doing this,” Adkins said. Even though at first she was a bit stunned by the letter, her shock soon turned into anger, calling the note an “invasion of privacy.” “Everybody wants their own personal space,” Adkins continued, “and you’re supposed to be accepting and respectful of each other.”
She believes whoever left the note in the Pepsi box is trying to push their religious beliefs on consumers. For those curious, Adkins purchased her Pepsi at the local Muskegon Walmart.

13 ON YOUR SIDE / YouTube
After taking a closer look at the Pepsi’s packaging, Adkins determined the note must have come from someone at the Pepsi manufacturing plant. “[The letter] was wedged underneath a can, which tells me it had to have happened in the packing process,” Adkins told the news station.

13 ON YOUR SIDE / YouTube
She also said that the box of Pepsi itself was completely sealed before she purchased it. Dun, dun, dun.
[fm_youtube url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fb0BCqRKR3s"]Furthermore, Adkins believes the note is a photocopy of an original, and thinks that other notes will likely be found in more Pepsi boxes.
Pepsi’s customer support said they would look into the issue and gave Adkins a coupon. The company told 13 On Your Side that their packaging is assembled via machine, and that no human labor is used, thus adding yet another layer of mystery to the entire scenario.

“I understand where you’re coming from, and that your heart was in the right place,” Adkins said. However, “you should really keep it to yourself.”
Despite being thoroughly creeped out by the message, Adkins said she will continue to buy Pepsi for her family, proving that Pepsi fans are truly loyal.
There’s no Pepsi. pic.twitter.com/yDK5bje8Do
— Flora (@SaysSnivy) April 10, 2019
We, on the other hand, might stick with Coke for a little while. Or perhaps, Dr. Pepper.
Some of the interpretations written on the note include, “We all laugh at Adam & Eve The Tree of Knowledge. Now Satan is laughing his butt off at so-call-Christians who said love Jesus on Sunday Morning.”
“But if you ask them about the Bible most will say I don’t have time to read it. But the same people can tell you word for word what on Facebook.”

The person goes on to write, “Have you seen what occurrence in our Church today? Preacher today are spineless, not all but to many. Don’t tell you what the Bible say. Just how to feel good.”

Other interpretations urge the reader to trust that what is written in the Bible is gospel. The person provides examples of prophecies that came true.

13 ON YOUR SIDE / YouTube
It’s definitely fair and fine to believe in what the Bible says. But it’s not so great to push your beliefs onto others — especially those who just want a can of Pepsi.

If you’re in the Muskegon area — or elsewhere in the country — and find a similar note in your Pepsi box, feel free to contact the authorities. Although there’s nothing outwardly threatening about the letter, it’s certainly a bit creepy.
Muskegon woman finds Bible scripture inside a case of Pepsi https://t.co/MYUV8zdafj pic.twitter.com/OQFBss2pSK
— 13 On Your Side (@wzzm13) April 9, 2019
Oddly enough, this wasn’t the weirdest thing to happen in Muskegon this week. Some guy brought his pet camel, named Jeffrey, into the local PetSmart.
Man brings camel to Muskegon PetSmart https://t.co/LOUfGu6UHz pic.twitter.com/yJ1ccQp9ss
— 13 On Your Side (@wzzm13) April 9, 2019
Weird notes in soda boxes. Camels in public. Muskegon sounds like the setting for a Twin Peaks-like television show. Or, like, Schitt’s Creek.

Although Pepsi is our lifeblood, we’d be lying if we weren’t a little creeped out by the fact we could be getting a religious lecture with our next purchase. Looks like we’ll have to buy single bottles at a time until this mystery is solved.
Pepsi, we love you. Please save us from being scared.
It’s only a matter of time before another letter is found. And unfortunately, unlike Willy Wonka, these hidden notes won’t get you into the Pepsi factory for free.