This New Starbucks Latte Combines Two Flavors That Will Make You So Confused

starbucks latte

Well, it finally happened. Starbucks attempted to combine two very popular millennial drinks into one product. And while their attempt is honorable, this is one of the very few lattes that have many thankful over the fact that it’s only debuting in China. Sure, you shouldn’t knock something before you try it, but with a beer latte, that deserves a little bit of criticism.

You heard right. A beer latte. And there’s something about that combination that’s making me shudder a little bit. Possibly because in my eyes, a coffee product is meant to wake you up while alcohol helps wind you down. It also has an element of danger to it, similar to the heart attack that is Red Bull and vodka. The good news is that these lattes are actually alcohol-free. So, it’ll only taste like beer — it won’t act like beer.

But that brings another question to the table.  If you grab a beer latte on the way to work, do you really want to risk smelling like a brewery all day?

The latte has been available since earlier this month, and according to FoodBeast, a few interested patrons have commented that it’s not a bitter drink yet it still has similarities to a “warm beer.” That doesn’t sound good AT ALL.

If you really like the taste of beer or are just morbidly curious, it might be worth it to give it a shot. After all, there might not be a lot of windows in life where a product like this exists. If you find yourself in a Starbucks in China, it might very well be the best food discovery you’ve made in some time.

Plus, you can always get it iced to make it feel a little less reminiscent of your first college party.

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