16 Foods Kate Middleton Feeds Her Family Behind The Queen’s Back #Shook

kate middleton family foods

When under Queen Elizabeth’s roof, one lives by Queen Elizabeth’s rules. Luckily, Kate Middleton and Prince William live under their own roof where they make their own rules — especially when it comes to the food they eat. The Queen notoriously has strange food-related rules and guidelines she expects her chefs and guests to follow. Knowing how strictly Queen Elizabeth enforces said rules, we know for a fact she would definitely not be okay with meals and snacks Middleton and her kids, Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis, eat on the daily.

Like, very, very not okay.

The members of the royal family are expected to use their napkins properly, only leave the table when the Queen is finished, and to enter into the dining room in order of importance. When feasting in the Queen’s presence, one should expect to never have garlic in their meal or have their meat anywhere close to being rare. She’s not a picky eater. Queen Elizabeth simply likes what she likes.

But while raising three boisterous kids, Middleton is bucking the royal rules by letting her children eat things great-grandmum would most likely never allow at her table.

And honestly, you go, Kate. These meals and snacks sound delicious.

1. Cheesy Pasta

While visiting the Lavender Primary School in early February, Middleton told the schoolchildren that Princess Charlotte and Prince George love cheesy pasta, and often make it with their mother.

Queen Elizabeth II rarely eats pasta, according to the former Royal chef Darren McGrady.

She’ll occasionally eat pasta, or other starchy foods like potatoes, if they’re served during a special event.

2. Pizza

It’s no longer a secret that Middleton and Prince William like to share a pizza while watching the tube. But, what about the Queen? In January, Middleton paid a visit to King Henry’s Walk Garden in the London borough of Islington where she and a handful of kids made pizzas outside. When one 8-year-old asked if the Queen liked pizza, Middleton couldn’t answer. But knowing what we do about the Queen, she’s probably anti-pizza.

Pizza sauce generally has garlic in it, and the Queen will NOT tolerate garlic.

3. Sugary Apple Juice

In 2012, Middleton was spotted “stocking up on Kellogg’s cereal and apple juice” at a local supermarket. While the cereal surprisingly isn’t the problem — we recently discovered the Queen’s favorite breakfast is Special K — we think she’d probably have issues with apple juice, which generally has a ton of added sugar and preservatives.

Unless Middleton is getting the freshly squeezed stuff.

4. Takeout Curries

According to Babygaga, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge love themselves a good curry takeout — and the spicier, the better. However, knowing the Queen’s anti-garlic-and-onions stance, we have a feeling she’s not a fan of anything that will make her breath less than fresh and/or give her heartburn.

5. Bangers and Mash

Royal biographer Katie Nicholl told People in 2011 that Middleton loves to cook and eat hearty traditional British meals like bangers and mash (sausage and potatoes), and Toad in the Hole (battered sausage served with onion gravy).

Like pasta, potatoes are always a no-no for the Queen, who likes to eat light at all mealtimes.

6. Cheeseburgers

Nicholl also disclosed that Middleton and Prince William frequent Automat, an American brasserie, where they like to indulge in old-fashioned American cheeseburgers. Although we can’t picture the Queen getting her hands greasy via cheeseburger, she does eat meat that is cooked well-done.

McGrady told Recipes Plus, “We also couldn’t serve meat that was rare.”

7. Bananas

Middleton reportedly tops Prince George’s morning cereal with sliced bananas. The Queen actually does enjoy a banana now and again. But the way she eats it — ahem, with a fork and knife — is certainly much too proper for us to fathom.

8. Cakes

People reported in 2016 that with the help of his mother, Prince George ordered a slice of cake from a nearby café in Norfolk. He and mommy Middleton then enjoyed the slice with a cup of fruit juice. The Queen is all about a small sliver of cake after dinner.

However, she really only sticks to chocolate.

McGrady disclosed, “Now the Chocolate Biscuit Cake is the only cake that goes back again and again and again everyday until it’s all gone,” McGrady said, meaning the leftover cake is not served to the staff, but rather kept solely for the Queen.

“[Queen Elizabeth will] take a small slice every day until eventually there is only one tiny piece, but you have to send that up, she wants to finish the whole of that cake.”

9. Popcorn

Prince William and Middleton snacked on a box of popcorn at a Nets game, and we’re sure Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and maybe even Prince Louis have tried the salty buttered snack. But the Queen likes to keep things light at mealtimes and seemingly never snacks.

No popcorn for Her Majesty, thank you.

10. Olives

Middleton also told the students of Lavender Primary School that Princess Charlotte loves to snack on olives when she can. But because of their briny, vinegary flavor, we think the Queen would probably forgo olives for the same reason she avoids garlic: smelly breath.

11. Ceviche

According to a 2014 Daily Mail article, Kate Middleton keeps her figure by eating raw as much as possible, as well as treating herself to healthy dishes like ceviche, a Latin-American dish of shrimp marinated in citrus juice, cilantro, and veggies. But you won’t catch the Queen borrowing Middleton’s ceviche recipe.

Queen Elizabeth never eats shellfish because eating bad shellfish could equal food poisoning.

12. Shepherd’s Pie

Both Prince William and Middleton love a helping of Shepherd’s Pie for dinner.

The traditional British meal consisting of meat, gravy, veggies, and mashed potatoes is certainly a hearty plateful that will warm anyone during England’s cold, rainy winter season. But Shepherd’s Pie is most likely much too hearty for Queen Lizzy.

And again — potatoes are a no.

13. Scrambled Eggs

Scrambled eggs are a go-to for any busy mom in the morning, and there’s no doubt Middleton has served her three kids scrambled eggs before a busy day.

The Queen also likes her scrambled eggs, but if they aren’t made with brown eggs, she won’t have them.

Queen Elizabeth reportedly believes brown eggs taste better than white.

14. Wine

Of course, Middleton does not serve her kids wine.

However, the duchess likes to drink an “odd glass” of wine here and there, according to a winery owner who talked to Middleton during a 2014 trip to New Zealand. It’s not that the Queen would disapprove of Middleton’s drinking — she would most likely just disagree with what Middleton chooses to drink.

The Queen is reportedly a gin drinker, and drinks two gin cocktails per day. She does have a glass of wine with lunch and a glass of champagne before bed, according to Vanity Fair. But gin is her true drink of choice.

15. Shellfish

During she and Prince William’s trip to Canada in 2016, Middleton tried the geoduck clams, served with miso mustard sauce, while the royal pair attended a food and wine festival in British Columbia.

“It’s really unusual. I’ve never seen it before,” Middleton reportedly said of the dish. “It’s so fresh from the sea.”

The Queen, however, would not have been so adventurous. In fact, the Queen does not allow shellfish to be served at home and never eats it while she’s out of the castle. Eating shellfish is an easy route for food poisoning, and therefore, should be avoided at all costs.

16. Steak

If William has anything to say about what he, Middleton, and the kids will eat for dinner, steak is probably going to be on the menu — cooked medium-rare. Middleton reportedly stays away from rare meat only while pregnant. However, Queen Elizabeth stays away from rare meat entirely. She would absolutely snub William’s fresh-off-the-grill filet if it had any pink in the center.

Although the Queen and Middleton may not see eye to eye on what foods should and should not be served, their clashing opinions don’t seem to causing any issues, and thank goodness for that.

Now, if you don’t mind, we’re going to whip up some cheesy pasta.

Sorry, Queen Elizabeth, but we’re not under your roof.

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