The Queen Has Obnoxious Rules Meghan Markle Needs To Follow During Christmastime

meghan markle

Meghan Markle’s first holiday season as a royal will reportedly be filled with decades-long traditions. Such traditions include a game of charades, opening presents, and a Boxing Day pheasant shoot. According to supposed royal aides (take this all with a grain of salt, you guys) who spoke to the U.K.’s Express, Markle has been given a list of rules to follow through the holidays to avoid ruffling any feathers while celebrating in the presence of the Queen.

“The duchess has to resist that American urge to win at everything,” an aide told Express. “The whole family likes to play charades on Christmas night and she must never beat the Queen, who is a fine actress herself.”

Markle, a former-actress best known for her role on Suits, has been instructed not to remind the family of her acting skills during the holiday season. The aides revealed that, besides charades, Queen Elizabeth usually gives a small performance on Christmas night during which she impersonates heads of state, actors, and VIPs she’s met throughout her life. Markle is not to upstage the Queen at any point during the evening.

“[The royals] don’t like show-offs,” an aide said, “especially newcomers who show off. “

Prince Harry is reportedly guiding Markle and her mother, Doria Ragland, who will also (allegedly) be spending Christmas with the royal family, through the traditional protocol. Harry has told his new wife not to speak out about the pheasant hunt.

“The jokes and presents are very cheesy,” the aide continued, “the life is grand, the protocol is unbending and it terrifies the life out of incomers.”

Even so, Markle has seemingly taken to life as a royal without any issue. We have a feeling Christmas will go off without a hitch. Plus — all of this “insider gossip” might be just that: gossip. We can have fun imagining what it must be like to be Duchess, but ultimately, we don’t know. All we can really hope for is that Meghan and Harry have the best time.

But then again… let’s just hope Markle and the Queen are on the same team during charades. 😉

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