Kate Middleton's Pizza Topping Opinion Is Upsetting People

People Are Pissed At Kate Middleton Because Of Her Pizza Toppings

Kate Middleton pizza

One of the most significant scandals surrounding the royal family right now is pizza. In recent weeks, we’ve learned that Prince William is a “nightmare” when he eats it and (gasp!) the Queen doesn’t eat it at all — at least, per Kate Middleton’s knowledge. As for Middleton’s personal preferences when it comes to a slice, they just came to light, and fans are a little shocked.

In terms of diet, Middleton’s best known for keeping things in check, for the sake of her health and because of when she battled pregnancy nausea back in the day. The mom of three didn’t necessarily have easy trimesters when it came to George, Charlotte, and Louis. A home cook herself, she reportedly makes a lot of chicken and curry for her family. But there are nights when it’s easier to just eat some pizza. Been there. 

The kids from St Jude and St Paul’s C of E Primary School at King Henry’s Walk community garden, who asked Middleton about whether or not the Queen ate pizza, were smart enough to also ask Middleton about her own preferences. Let’s just get this out there — there’s no wrong answer. Even pineapple isn’t necessarily wrong, it’s just unpopular. Much like Middleton’s favorite.

She revealed that she prefers bacon to pepperoni, simply because it’s a bit less spicy. She’s got a point, but also — really?

Listen, bacon has its place. Fans of bacon typically outnumber those who can’t stand it. But when you’re preparing for a party, you’d usually choose sausage or pepperoni for your meaty pizzas. Bacon pizza would definitely get eaten, but likely after the other pies are already claimed.

Bacon is better suited for the breakfast world. And hey — if you want to use it to top a burger or as part of a BLT, more power to you. (An LT is kind of a sad sandwich, so that B is pretty important.)

But here’s another big point — pepperoni is too spicy for Kate Middleton?!

When you think of spicy foods, you normally think of things that include chili flakes or jalapeños. Even curry is often spicy if you use cayenne powder in your recipe. But it appears that Middleton probably doesn’t if pepperoni is too much for her taste buds.

Nothing but love for Kate Middleton, but a lot of people are baffled by her claim.

It’s probably a fair bet that Middleton also doesn’t add a little hot sauce to her pizza for extra flavor. But that’s a question for another day.

To be fair, I’ve personally never tried pepperoni pizza in the U.K. Even though I’d assume that pepperoni is pepperoni, who knows if it’s prepared differently.

Or, maybe Middleton had one bad experience that turned her off of the stuff. Since there are so many great toppings out there, why go back to the one that gave you heartburn?

One thing’s for sure: If Middleton ever invited me over for a slice of bacon pizza, I’d book a flight in a second.

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