Food & Pop Culture

34 Truly Revolting “Food Sins” People On The Internet Have Committed

Just when I thought I’ve seen everything when it comes to terrible food combinations, the internet proves me wrong. Reddit user K3na posed the question: “Besides eating cereal with water, what is the most outrageous ‘eating sin’ you have ever witnessed?” in the r/AskReddit subreddit. The thread has gained over 30,000+ comments in the span of three days; needless to say, there are a lot of people out there who have either seen these food sins or have committed them themselves. Either way, the internet can be a very strange place.

It’s fascinating to see what other humans find to be tasty, though it might come off as gag-worthy for the rest of us. I’ve had several people be shocked at me for dipping my breakfast sausage in syrup. To me, it’s not something I ever thought twice about. I’d assumed everyone did this with their breakfasts. If you’re having pancakes and syrup on the same plate, why not swipe your sausage or bacon through the leftovers? But no matter how much I try to defend my actions, I’m still met with the same concerned (and frankly, a little disgusted) facial expressions.

So maybe we’re all a little guilty of committing these food sins, but so long as they’re not hurting anyone, how bad can they be? Reading these comments from Reddit users maybe hurt my soul a little, but hey, I’m still going to defend my choice to mix syrup and breakfast sausage.

1. Mixing milk with grape juice.

It turns out the “purple cow” is an actual thing, and it’s traditionally made with vanilla ice cream, which makes it more of a milk shake vs. a glass of milk with some grape juice mixed in. That doesn’t sound too bad, but after reading this comment from a Reddit user, I’m just picturing the latter version, and it’s not pleasant.

2. Consuming an entire shaker of red pepper flakes with your soup.

Redditor actorrent shared this story of a woman who was dining at the pub they work at: “I work at a pub/restaurant waiting tables. This couple walks in who I’ve never seen, but are apparently regulars. The bartender sees them, shoots me a glance, and goes to grab something from the kitchen. Before even taking their order, he’s filled the crushed red pepper shaker and told me to take it over to them. The woman orders a small cup of French onion soup and proceeds to unscrew the cap of this shaker and dump the entirety of it onto her soup, an inch high off the top of her bowl. She’s eating this spicy red pepper like cereal and didn’t even ask for a drink refill.”

Honestly, this sounds like a power move. Eats an entire shaker of red pepper flakes and doesn’t even ask for a drink refill? Power. Move.

3. What’s with mixing milk with things?!

My two least favorite drinks in the world are milk and beer, so the fact that someone enjoys them together in the same glass doesn’t sit right with my stomach. I also have some follow-up questions, like, what did it look like? What was the smell? What kind of beer was it to begin with?

4. The dreaded orange juice and mint toothpaste combo.

Redditor TremulousHand’s friend went through a cake-baking phase, and one of her flavor combos wasn’t the best… “I had a friend who went through a period where cake decorating was her hobby, and she made some amazing-looking cakes that all tasted horrible because of the bizarre flavor combinations. It was always a bit funny because people would compliment the look of them and then have to figure out how to throw their pieces away without being rude about it. The worst one was a Christmas cake with an immaculate looking fondant Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer that was an orange spice cake covered in mint icing. It was like brushing your teeth and rinsing with orange juice in cake form.”

I’m wondering, does anyone else’s teeth feel weird after imagining how orange juice and mint toothpaste taste together? Because mine sure do. *Shudders*

5. That’s one thing A1 sauce shouldn’t go on…

Listen, I love A1 sauce as much as the next person, but there is a very, very bold line between A1 sauce and Jell-O that should NEVER be crossed. But again, I am curious what flavor of Jell-O this was made with. Because if it was lemon Jell-O, then I understand. Lemon is gross on its own and I stand by my opinion.

6. Brownies have been cancelled!

I think Redditor thoughtillness’s cousin takes the cake with this creation. A ketchup brownie. KETCHUP. BROWNIE. Was the ketchup added to the batter and then baked? Or was it used as a frosting? I have so many questions. Either way, I feel like both ketchup and brownies have been ruined for me. I’m going to think back to this comment every time I try to eat one of these.

7. We don’t “Mama Bird” our snacks. We just don’t!

That’s a whole lot of Ritz crackers. Also, I think I threw up in my mouth a little. I have nothing more to say because if I think about this anymore, I will actually vomit. Please, kids, don’t mama bird your food and then put it on that same (but un-mama birded) food. Just don’t.

8. This one was in response to #7, and it’s even worse…

Contecorsair from Reddit really outdid the comment above this. This was the story they (unfortunately) shared: “I wasn’t going to tell this story but here I am. As a kid I would eat a whole bag of Doritos without swallowing, and then I’d spit out the pulverized chip dust and saliva mixture and roll it into a ball with my hands and then let it harden a bit in my desk at school between first and second break and then eat it again during lunch when the outside was a bit crunchy again but the inside was still moist and the consistency of a chocolate truffle.”

I have no words. I had to take a break from going through this thread after reading this one. Why would you ruin Doritos for the rest of us?!

9. Cold pizza with peanut butter.

I have an unpopular opinion: cold pizza is disgusting. I never understood the love some people have for this snack. I mean, isn’t the whole point of pizza to eat it warm and fresh, and to make sure that your cheese perfectly stretches away from the crust because it’s so melty and delicious?

10. These iconic childhood meals have forever been ruined.

Uh-oh SpaghettiOs, indeed. Redditor Tinkliwinks’ wife loves to dip her PB&J’s in SpaghettiOs. Does she think that SpaghettiOs are similar to tomato soup? But why would you want to dunk a sweet sandwich like a PB&J into salty tomato soup? I love a good sweet and salty combo, but there are limits, people!

11. Watermelon and ketchup… as a sandwich.

Watermelon is my all-time favorite summer treat and I think it has forever been ruined for me… I just want to know what mindset some of these people have before they commit these food sins. Did they think they’d be the next Remy from Ratatouille? Because honestly, Remy would never combine ketchup and watermelon. He just wouldn’t.

12. Don’t slurp your egg yolks, folks.

Redditor lavidalaluna witnessed a horrifying act in the dining hall. They said, “Dude in my dining hall had a plate of sunny side-up eggs. Scooped under an egg with his fork, brought it up to his mouth, and only touched his lips to the yolk. Proceeded to suck all the yolk, and then slurped the rest of the egg in. It was like a car crash, I couldn’t look away but I was horrified.”

Going through this thread has just made me confront how picky of an eater I am. I HATE runny egg yolks. When I was a kid and had sunny-side up eggs, I would just eat the eggs white. It was like performing surgery trying to cut around the yolk to avoid piercing it. It still happened all too often and every time breakfast was ruined for me. It was traumatizing.

13. Ranch goes with everything… even pancakes, right?

I thought ranch and pizza was an abomination, but this… this is next level. Ranch should be reserved for salads and those veggie trays at parties. It shouldn’t be combined with something as sweet and sacred as pancakes. Please, stick to syrup, and leave the ranch to the veggies. Please.

14. Oreos dipped in… that’s not milk!

“Dipping Oreos in orange juice,” is what Redditor TheGooge contributed to the thread. It’s “MILK’S favorite cookie,” not orange juice’s favorite cookie! We imagine that this is close to drinking orange juice after brushing your teeth. But then again, maybe the juice gives the cookie a nice, creamy orange-chocolate flavor?

15. Ketchup does not need to go on everything!

“My sister used to put ketchup on strawberries,” Redditor Shaymiestar shared. All I can say is STOP RUINING FRUIT WITH KETCHUP!!! First, there’s watermelon and ketchup, which has scarred me for life. And now, strawberries and ketchup? My brain can’t comprehend this, and honestly, I want to block this out of my mind as soon as possible.

16. This one’s a double-whammy.

Is it weird that I love pickles, but have no interest in plain cucumbers? I’ve never had a cooked cucumber though, so I’m curious to know what the taste would be, and if there would be any flavor in the first place. Maybe this person has soft teeth? This sounds like a texture preference in my professional opinion, and I totally get it. There are just some food textures I can’t do.

17. Again with the milk. Just leave it the hell alone!

Redditor whiterabbitxz once saw a guy eating spaghetti in milk. My question is, was this just a bowl of plain noodles swimming in some milk? If there was at least some pasta sauce on the noodles, I can see how this could be a make-shift vodka sauce. I’ve been a broke college student before. I would only eat canned peas and carrots for dinners some nights.

18. In the name of St. Patrick’s Day…

Sometimes those crazy St. Patrick’s Day festivities get the best of us and our better judgement goes out the window. Redditor Monster-Zero once ate Lucky Charms with some Guinness on the holiday. The regret was immediate. That’s not magically delicious, my friend. But in the spirit of St. Patrick’s Day, we totally understand where you were coming from.

19. At least wait for the Hot Pocket to cool before doing this. Spare the roof of your mouth, please.

It’s just like that one time “Justin Beiber” took a bite from the middle of a burrito as a prank and everyone on the internet lost their damn minds. But also, wouldn’t this make it more likely for you to burn your tongue? The crust on the end tends not to be as hot as the molten, gooey cheese in the middle. That just sounds dangerous.

20. Eating lemons whole.

Some of us really love citrus fruits and are not phased by their sourness. Redditor discountFleshVessel is one of those people who enjoys eating lemons whole. As in, eating them the same way you’d nom on an orange or a clementine. *Cue every video ever of a baby trying a lemon for the first time.*

21. Why would you ruin a beautiful pickle like this?

I was following until the ice cream was introduced. This is a next-level pregnancy craving. I mean, I can handle the pickle and cheese — that sounds like a nice savory snack — but then dipping it in ice cream? That’s a lot to handle. However, I must say, this person is pretty ingenious when it comes to weird cravings. They should win an award of some sort.

22. Does this man not believe in utensils?

I hope this man carries a tub of wet wipes on hand. I’m cringing at the thought of all the leftover stickiness on his hands. Also, I would like to take a moment to pray that he washed his hands before digging into an entire jar of peanut butter. Though, it’s probably safe to say that no one else wanted to share with him.

23. “Beerios” are exactly what you think they’d be.

“A former friend of mine once poured a can of Coors Light into a bowl of Cheerios. He called it Beerios,” Redditor feral_hippie shared. Honey-Nut Cheerios? Plain Cheerios? Frosted Cheerios? The details are important here, man! We need to know what we’re getting ourselves into, and whether or not this is worse than cereal mixed with orange juice.

24. Mixing everything together on your plate.

I never understood this. Several of my friends are the same way. Yes, I get that it all ends up in the same place, but the journey to that place can’t taste good. Also, this sounds like a nightmare situation for the type of person who never wants their food to touch. Yikes!

25. Ordering your steak well-done is a sin, but this is just plain evil.

There is nothing more controversial than how one likes their steak cooked. And yes, it makes a huge difference. Though we respect everyone’s choices, it’s almost painful to hear that this $200 steak was fully microwaved to please this customer. It makes us want to shed a tear. Also, I wonder if he got another date?

26. Pop-Tarts dipped in hummus.

Redditor MysticAmberMeadow once saw a guy dip his Pop-Tart in some hummus. Yes, really. And my follow-up question is, what flavor Pop-Tart was this? What flavor could possibly taste remotely good with hummus? Over here, we’ll stick to dipping pita bread and veggies in our savory hummus, thank you very much.

27. Heating up sushi.

The caption says it all. Redditor burntknowledge is guilty of this. I can taste the food poisoning, and also wonder how a person would be able to eat warm, soggy veggies surrounded by rice and seaweed that’s probably soggy, too. It’s like microwaving your carrots before you dip them in ranch, and no thank you.

28. Peanuts and soda.

I wonder if this tastes similar to people who like to add peanuts to their Coke… Now, the microwaving part of this is interesting. And I can’t say I’ve ever heard of anyone doing this before. Who wants hot soda? Hot soda with hot peanuts? Room temperature soda is bad enough, so I can’t imagine this is great.

29. Eating egg shells for the extra crunch.

“My preteen cousin likes his scrambled eggs ‘crunchy’ and adds broken up eggs shells to them,” Redditor SuperDarkGal commented. It hurts to swallow after reading this. I can feel the tears forming in my throat, and can’t imagine that this is safe. What about the choking hazard? Someone please help.

30. Swapping water for vodka.

I want to know what that smelled like and how it cooked. For some reason, I imagine the microwave just explodes. Also, isn’t macaroni and cheese supposed to be a hangover food, and not the other way around? We would never want to get drunk on mac and cheese. That would completely ruin the cheesy goodness for us.

31. Corn and corn flakes are not the same thing, honey.

I hope she at least drained the canned corn before adding them to her Frosted Flakes. Otherwise, she’s too far gone for help. Soggy corn, milk, and crunchy cereal sounds like a combination that would make our tastebuds jump off and run far, far away. And honestly, we wouldn’t blame them one bit.

32. I will never understand the food palate of a child.

“When my 6yo son gets a treat at Maccas he dunks his McNuggets in choc thick shake then sweet n sour sauce. But carrots are gross apparently,” Redditor alexbayside commented.

Dipping fries into a milk shake is absolutely a thing, and I get it. I do it, too. I can see where the sweet and salty combo comes into play with the McNuggets, but dipping it back into the Sweet ‘n Sour sauce AFTER the milkshake? I’m sorry, but you lost me, kid.

33. Just because it’s fake crab that doesn’t mean it’s going to be any less nasty.

I  got you, boo boo. Crab legs (imitation or not) do not belong anywhere NEAR yogurt! “This crab is fake! It doesn’t taste like fish! It tastes sweet! And yogurt is sweet! No one is gonna think that’s WEIRD of me to do. Jeez.” We firmly disagree. We think it’s weird of you to do.

34. Mayo and bananas.

The fashion choice checks out. I’m from the Midwest. This makes sense to me. I’m definitely not condoning it, though.

I think I’m going to hold off on eating anymore food until tomorrow. Everything has been ruined for me. If these revolting eating sins have made you feel nauseated, I recommend sipping on some ginger ale to settle your stomach.

Samantha Wachs

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