This High School Cheerleader Has Been Accused Of Doing Something Insane With Brownies


Kids are getting more and more creative when it comes to securing homecoming court votes. But if you’re looking for a little bit of inspiration on how to get your name out there, this story would be a pretty bad example. We’re referring to the fact that a high school cheerleader in Michigan reportedly handed out pot brownies to convince their fellow students to vote them in. Probably not a great idea.

The story itself is a bit strange. The student, who remains unnamed, reportedly handed out 12 drug-laced brownies to fellow classmates at Hartford High School. According to Hartford police officer Michael Prince, who was interviewed by WWMT, some people flushed them, while others ate them. Though nobody felt ill after consuming them, they shouldn’t have been on school property to begin with.

But here’s the part that’s really strange. After giving out the brownies, the student moved and changed states. “You always think you’ve heard it all and seen it all, and there is always something new to surprise you,” Prince stated.

Was it the fact that she handed out something illegal, or something else entirely that made the young baker move? That’s the puzzling part.


The school did address the issue — Teen Vogue reported that a statement was released saying, “All individuals involved are being dealt with according to our District Policies and Student Handbooks.”

The individuals involved were primarily on the football team. It’s not clear if the football players at the time knew that the brownies were laced with marijuana. The school took action by taking the leftovers over to Michigan State Police crime lab in order to be drug tested. The drug was indeed found in the baked goods.

So even though it might seem like common sense, just remember — even though pot is legal in a handful of states for recreational purposes, it doesn’t mean that you can openly and freely use it as a minor, or on school grounds.

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