Trying to eliminate sugar is a great way to stay healthy. It’s almost ridiculous to learn how much sugar we consume on a daily basis. But, sometimes, going sugar-free will lead to a lot of unwanted health issues. To be clear, you might want to reschedule your plans if you just ate a bag of sugar-free snacks.
According to Gizmodo, it’s all because of an ingredient called Lycasin. It’s a low-calorie sugar that contains maltitol, which is a sugar that our bodies often have a tough time digesting. That means that these can be good snacks for diabetics who need to watch their sugar intake, as they’re processed so slowly in the human body that they don’t cause dangerous sugar spikes. They’re not unhealthy per se, but they’re something you’ll want to eat with caution. Simply put, eating too much of it is a great way to bring on diarrhea and stomach cramps. It’s a painful visual, but it’s true.
Sugar-free products often work just as well as laxatives, and even though most people who’ve made this unsettling discovery have a sense of humor about it, it’s important for people to know. Extensive diarrhea can cause dehydration, so it’s really important to make sure you know what to expect if you indulge.
Here are some of the products that you’ll want to keep an eye out for.
These have been known to be the ultimate in stomach distress. How dare a gummy bear can deceive us so. Word got out thanks to Amazon. A collection of reviews, which are hilarious, all mark how the bears served as an unexpected laxative. Most brands have the effect. But the product reviews for the Albanese bears seem almost sinister.
Let’s just say, perhaps you’ll want to avoid the gummy bears if you’re hanging out with a “friend.”
There’s been so much mystery behind the sugar-free gummy bears that people have tested it out for themselves, just to make sure it wasn’t Amazon folklore. It definitely isn’t.
Haribo Sugar Free Gummy Bears Review from r/funny
As for Haribo’s variety, which is currently unavailable on Amazon (perhaps for the best) the top critical review is titled “One of the worst days of my life.” All thanks to sugar alcohols.
— dellor (@dellor) September 22, 2018
Oh my... I ate some sugar free Haribo gummy bears earlier and now I'm facing the fiery wrath of 1,000 devils.
— Drake (@TorqueCP) November 6, 2017
Sugar free gummy bears are terrifying im too worried to eat more than 8 cuz i think ill sh*t myself to death
— noa❤️🩹🐶🍿🌈 (@popcornparfait) April 19, 2018
Didn’t see the gummy bears I was DEVOURING were sugar free.......Oh Boy........Here we go...😐💩
— Teflon Jon (@MrTeflonJon) March 27, 2018
Word to the wise... if you come across gummy bears that seem like a good idea because they are sugar free, fat free, no artificial flavours or colours... vegan friendly...DO NOT DO IT! Even if it is a tiny bag that the movie theatre sells... FML
— Grey Horse Problems (@grayhorseprobs) August 10, 2018
So, eat these things if you dare. If you’re looking to cut down sugar just for the heck of it, just skip these and cut gummy bears out of your diet completely.
Chocolates aren’t safe, either. In order to make them taste like the originals, they contain the same sugar alcohols you’d find in gummy candies. Unfortunately, people are a little more unaware of the laxative effect for these. Hey, you’ve been warned.
So, on one hand I really kind of like sugar free peppermint patties. On the other they give me anal leakage. 6 in one? #thestruggleisreal
— Beef_squatchie (@owl_in_a_towel_) May 5, 2017
These 'Sugar Free York Peppermint Patties' ~ have caused such a sensation that I've left a wet spot on my chair at work.
— Sassy McMelons (@sassymcmelons) December 23, 2011
Looking for a good snack? You might want to avoid sugar-free jelly beans, especially if you have a busy day ahead of you. A few shouldn’t cause too much harm, but jelly beans are hard not to keep popping if the bag is close by.
so i didn't know sugar free jelly beans were basically a fuckin laxative
— lil spicy (@d0mecoach) May 1, 2015
omg once when i was like 10 i got sugar free jelly beans and i only ate one small packet and it ripped my asshole to shreds
— jo 🍁 👑 (@BackwoodKween) April 11, 2018
If you’re a gum addict, you might realize that chewing on sugar-free gum can sometimes lead to an upset stomach. Gum has its good points (such as, minty fresh breath) but too much might lead to a little bit of…distress if you know what I’m talking about.
Seriously, Extra sugar free gum in excess works better than laxatives. My god. 😳
— erry berry (@dxnders) February 9, 2014
So eating too much sugar free gum may have a laxative effect? Sounds like a challenge to me.
— Andy Thompson (@SweatyJester) November 27, 2013
Have a cold? Well, be careful with your cough drops. There are plenty of sugar-free varieties out there that have given people additional symptoms that made them feel like death was near.
Pro Tip: Multiple sugar free cough drops have a laxative effect. The manufacturers decided the best way to convey this message was with fine print on the back of the packaging. Infer what you want with this information.
— Drew Russ (@DrewXRuss) December 14, 2018
If you think you’re safe by avoiding the candy aisle, think again. Sugar alcohols are also present in snack foods like cookies, and if you eat more than you should (which is very easy to do) you may feel the laxative effects. So, make sure you read the label before putting them in your grocery cart.
Alyvia brought me sugar free cookies today and on the back it says "excess consumption may result in a laxative effect"
— Aubs (@AubriBurmood) March 12, 2015
hania & i got sugar free vegan cookies that said if you eat too many they will have a laxative effect.....they weren't lyin
— pami (@pamisaul) July 9, 2015
#BeforeTaylorSwiftFindsLove they will make sugar free cookies that taste good and don't act as laxatives
— Kristi (@DiabeticTruths) January 9, 2013
If you think you’re doing yourself a favor by popping these in your hot chocolate, you may be disappointed for a few reasons. For one, they reportedly don’t taste much like the real thing. And two, you’ll be spending the rest of the night in the bathroom if you eat too many of them.
Dear lord this bus is hot and I accidentally bought sugar-free marshmallows and they are not sitting well...
— i love Christmas but my birthday is first okay (@scintillulae) June 28, 2016
Sigh. Even standard sugar-free chocolate isn’t safe. Since chocolate is another snack that’s tough to have a handle on sometimes, you may think you’re making a healthy choice. But, it’ll cost you.
Sugar-free Godiva chocolate made with malitol: a sugar alcohol that causes a laxative effect. Yum. #fakefood #warning
— Cassie, RD (@cassiedotNET) January 15, 2014
I'm pretty sure sugar free chocolate is melted exlax.
— Jackie’s ghost kicked the hornets nest (@spottedhole) July 11, 2018
The good news is that pudding is often separated in set cups when you buy it, so the chances of overindulging and getting very sick are a little lower than the other foods on the list. But the bad news is: it can still happen. Especially if you’ve enjoyed that sugar-free pudding cup after some sugar-free gum and sugar-free cough drops. For many, it brings an issue that’s not as bad but still embarrassing: gas.
— tiffany:) (@txngledhemmo) April 10, 2016
Ultimate laxative: sugar free pudding. 70 calories and bowel cleanse. Gross, yet helpful.
— skinnieminnie (@MissedHerBones) January 17, 2014
i just ate sugar free pudding and now i feel kinda sick
— leanne (@coorslightluke) July 1, 2014
Ate too much sugar free pudding. Don't light a match anywhere near me or you'll kill us all.
— Chris Burney (@SoupBowlerChris) August 27, 2014
In short, if it says sugar-free, make sure you know it’s something your body can handle.
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