The One Food Royals Can’t Eat Is In *Everything*. That Must Be Hard.

It’s no secret that the royal family has to adhere to rules and guidelines that the rest of us normal folk simply don’t need to worry about.  According to some reports, Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton are expected to sit in the “duchess slant,” the children are only allowed to wear shorts, and the royals may or may not be allowed to play Monopoly. So it’s not exactly shocking to hear that there are certain foods they aren’t supposed to be eating as well. This includes one food that is literally in everything… and we have to imagine that it makes dining out pretty difficult for any member of the royal family.

A few weeks ago, we heard that Meghan Markle would have to change up her diet a bit, as royal guidelines discourage members of the family from eating shellfish and spicy foods when traveling. The foods have been deemed too risky, as they can easily lead to gastrointestinal distress, and no one wants the prince or princess to end up sick in a hospital while they are far away from their home in the United Kingdom. But cutting these things out are no big deal compared to the one other type of food royals aren’t supposed to eat: garlic.

Of course, all of the things we hear about what the royals can and cannot do aren’t true, so it’s hard to know when to believe it. The garlic rule is one example, as we’ve all been hearing that they are supposed to stay away from it for a while now. As it turns out, this was more than just gossip. Prince Charles’ wife, Camilla Parker Bowles, confirmed the rumor as real during an appearance she made on MasterChef Australia. When she asked about banned royal foods, she said, “I hate to say this, but garlic. Garlic is a no-no.”

Gary Mehigan, one of the judges on the show, asked if it was because of “talking” and “chatting.” Camilla responded, “Yes, exactly. So you always have to lay off the garlic.

Yikes! As silly as this rule seems, it does sort of make sense. CNN royal commentator Victoria Arbiter told INSIDER, “The queen well knows that an interaction with her is a once in a lifetime experience, and she wants somebody to go away from that interaction having really been spellbound and to have enjoyed it and for it to be memorable. But you want it to be memorable for all the right reasons, and the queen breathing garlic all over you would not be the right reasons.”

Still, it’s got to be really tough to avoid garlic, as it’s used in most meals even when you don’t realize it’s there. Plus, it’s delicious! We’re just glad we commoners don’t need also need to follow this rule.

While it may be tough getting rid of garlic breath, it’s actually pretty easy making sure your hands don’t smell like the stuff. Which happens if you’re cooking with garlic. A metal soap bar that literally washes away all the garlic-ness from your hands exists. Genius. You can get in on Amazon.

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