People Are Seriously Upset About This Green “Hummus”

green hummus

There are two kinds of people: those who snack and those who don’t. I am definitely a snacker, so that means my grocery carts are always filled with things like crackers, dried fruit, and dips. For awhile, I found a way to incorporate hummus into literally everything I ate — that’s how obsessed I was. At every restaurant that served hummus, it was added to my bill. Anytime I went grocery shopping, tubs of hummus made their way into my fridge. I know I’m the only one.

Hummus is a versatile and delicious chickpea creation that’s great with breads, veggies, and other savory dippers. But when something so classic becomes a trend, things can go wrong. Epicurious, a digital food brand, recently posted a video showing viewers how to make edamame “hummus,” and the people were not happy.

Many viewers commented on Epicurious’ lack of understanding of the word hummus itself. There were lots of tweets about how “hummus” means “chickpea” in Arabic, so already the video was wrong. Other users pointed out the lack of seasoning, meaning that regardless of the misused name, it would probably taste super bland.

In the past, many variations of “hummus” came out because of the popularity of actual hummus. And still, people were not pleased.

It seems like there’s more of an issue with the naming of a dish “hummus” if there are no chickpeas in it, rather than the actual recipe itself. The Epicurious Twitter account never addressed these comments, so the war on “hummus” products is still on.

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