This McDonald’s Employee Has Gone Viral For What He Did For A Customer


Around two decades ago, McDonald’s used the slogan “We Love to See You Smile.” Even though it’s not what’s actively used in ads today, the thought still remains. One McDonald’s employee, in particular, made the day of a customer and is going viral based on their kind deed.

Customer Andrea Duncan was at a Reading, OH McDonald’s drive-thru placing an order. Soon after, she realized she forgot her wallet at home — an embarrassing situation to be in that’s far more common than not. When she tried to cancel it, the employee refused.

But, not because of any sort of protocol — because he wanted to treat her to the meal himself.

Duncan was so taken aback by the kind gesture that she shared her experience online. It’s just proof that no matter how much negativity we hear on a daily basis, there’s still a lot of good out there. The employee, identified as Jeremiah, even took a photo for Duncan’s post. In sharing, Duncan just wanted to let her story be known and really illustrate how much these random acts of kindness are so important for making the world a better place.

The post has currently been shared more than 4,000 times.

“We hear so much about what’s wrong with the world I had to share a little of what is right. I am just now posting this because I wanted his permission and I wanted to repay him for his kindness,” Duncan wrote.


One thing that really made Duncan smile was the fact that Jeremiah literally didn’t even know how much stress she was under before footing the bill.

“I asked him if I could hug him and told him to keep being who he is because he is an amazing person. He didn’t know how tired I was or that I hadn’t eaten or even if he would be repaid but he didn’t even bat an eye and just acted.”

It’s unclear as to whether or not Jeremiah does this with every customer in a situation like this, or if it was a one-time act.

Still, he probably didn’t expect the public praise, which makes it so much sweeter.

Even though it’s probably not a good idea to dupe McDonald’s employees (since it’s possible this may be part of their system) these acts of kindness have been happening a lot more this year.

Here’s another instance in which an employee helped a customer after she ordered breakfast.

But since McDonald’s managed to comment back? It’s more likely the good will of an employee.

If you work at McDonald’s, you probably eat a fair share of McDonald’s.

So, you’ll know how much of a bummer it’d be to be craving hash browns just to be turned away by a common mistake.

Curious about what would make the Jeremiah story even better?

After Duncan shared it on Facebook, plenty of people commented on the fact that his mother must have raised him right — and his mother reportedly responded.

“Thank each and everyone of you for the kind words in regards to my son,” Donna McDonald wrote back, according to Delish. Can you imagine how proud she must be?


It’s also worth noting that half of Jeremiah’s last name, which is reported to be McDonald-Hemphill, is kind of perfect for the job he has.

It’s definitely another reason for the company to call out his good deed.


Prior to posting about the young employee, Duncan made sure to thank him in person and repay him for the food.

“If he hadn’t done that I probably would have just gone home and went to bed without eating,” she told Yahoo. “Before I left he gave me another hug!”

She also talked to his mom, who appreciated the social media recognition.

Duncan herself is the mom of two boys who, hopefully, would jump to action same way Jeremiah did.


So, what can we gain from this story?

Simple. No matter what, kindness is one of the greatest actions in the world.

An act that may be no big deal to you could change someone’s whole day around.

So, it’s important to always be on the lookout for people who may need a little bit of cheering up.

And if you happen to be in the position of making someone’s day, you should consider acting on that.

Not for viral fame, but for the feeling that you really made a positive difference in their day.

Even if it seems minimal, you could be helping someone who’s secretly seconds away from a breakdown.

Your good deed will, without a doubt, give a little hope to someone else.

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