This Famous Couple Has Been Feeding Their Baby Flamin’ Hot Cheetos, And People Are Pissed

flaming hot Cheetos baby

You have to be a certain kind of someone to down a bag of Flamin’ Hot Cheetos with a straight face. And it looks like Robin Thicke and April Love Geary’s daughter Mia is that certain kind of someone. Geary posted a video of their 16-month-old daughter going to town on some Flamin’ Hot Cheetos and… is this allowed?

On June 25th, Geary uploaded the video of Mia with the caption “Mondays.” She later added more footage of Mia snacking on Flamin’ Hot Cheetos to her Instagram Stories, adding the text, “Definitely my child,” across the video. And because mommy shamers live by the motto, “I’ll sleep when I’m dead,” they pounced on Geary’s upload as soon as she hit “post.”

“Those Cheetos are beyond toxic, she’s just a child!” one Instagram follower wrote in the comments. “Go read a parenting book.” Another chimed in, “You have the ability to provide healthy eating options then why not do the right thing. You’re old enough to read and do your research on your own!”

According to Delish, one of Geary’s followers even sent the model a link to an article titled “Flamin’ Hot Cheetos Send Multiple Children To The Emergency Room Each Year.”

But Geary isn’t about to let anyone tell her how to parent her daughter. She began clapping back to shamers in the comments section of her post.

@aprillovegeary / Instagram

As the war continued to rage in the comments, Geary tried to finalize the fight with this all-caps declaration. We hear you loud and clear.

@aprillovegeary / Instagram

We can’t say that this statement should really be used in to reference the health of her young daughter. However, we understand her sentiment.

Despite being bombarded with mommy shamers, Geary received support from other mothers both on Instagram and Twitter. Her baby could be eating worse things, after all.

And, as is true for all mommy-shaming situations, one really has no right to give their opinion about how others should raise their children. Sorry, but that’s just the way the cookie crumbles.

However, it should be noted that feeding a young child Flamin’ Hot Cheetos on the regular isn’t a great idea. As pediatrician Natalie Digate Muth told Parents, the snack is high in MSG and the artificial coloring “can be detrimental to kids’ health.”

Furthermore, some parents who feed their children Flamin’ Hot Cheetos unnecessarily bring them to the ER thinking that their child has blood in their stool. In reality, it’s just the artificial red coloring that has dyed the stool a blood-like color.

However, Mia, and other kids, probably aren’t going to get stomach ulcers after eating a few handfuls of Flamin’ Hot Cheetos here and there. So we can all calm down, Instagram.

We always advocate for feeding younger kids healthy snacks whenever possible. But we know well and good that sometimes, they won’t eat anything that isn’t neon orange and covered in salty seasoning.

And for all of you concerned followers out there, Mia is getting her fair share of healthy foods, as well as the occasional Flamin’ Hot Cheeto or Goldfish. Here she is eating (and wearing) mashed avocado.

She’s also a fan of corn on the cob. We love a baby who loves her veggies.

In fact, here’s what Mia has to say about the matter. Fair enough.

@aprillovegeary / Instagram

So, instead of coming after Geary and Robin Thicke for feeling Mia Flamin’ Hot Cheetos, simply understand that everyone has different parenting techniques and ways of living. And those ways of living may not always line up with yours.

As long as Mia and her siblings are happy, healthy, and enjoying life, then we should all be cool. You do you, Thicke family.

And we’ll do us — which includes eating a bag of Flamin’ Hot Cheetos. What can we say? This story has made us hungry.

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