Betty White Eats Junk Food Every Day, Is Celebrating Her 97th Birthday

Betty White Eats Junk Food Every Day, Is Celebrating Her 97th Birthday

Betty white diet

“I don’t like Betty White,” said literally no one ever. That’s because she’s the hilarious, adorable, and dirty-mouthed grandmother we all wish we had (sorry, grandma!). Plus, it turns out she’d be the best dinner companion — that is, if you like delicious food, a stiff drink, and you’re okay with skipping the kale salad.

According to a roundup over at Spoon University, Betty White’s eating habits are all about, well, indulgence, which is especially great today, the date of her 97th birthday. We hope she’s currently eating all the cake.

Betty’s got a penchant for French fries, hot dogs, vodka and soda, Red Whips (those little red twists that taste like licorice), potato chips, and Diet Coke. One co-star actually suggested that Betty’s long life is due to all the preservatives in her food — if only! Betty told Bon Appetit, “Lunch is usually a hot dog and French fries, or something equally devilish. Red Whips are my curse.”

We’d be totally lying if we said that those weren’t the things we dream about eating every. Single. Day.

Interestingly, Betty also says she’s never dieted in her life, which is an uncommon claim — especially in the entertainment business: “There was one [diet] where you ate nothing but grapefruit. I love grapefruit, but I also love other things.” (Ahem, vodka and licorice).

She told People, “I shouldfollow better eating health rules,” (shouldn’t we all, Betty?), but she credits her busy lifestyle with her longevity. “I have a two-story house and a very bad memory. I’m up and down those stairs all the time.”

She went on to say, “There’s no spare time, so I’m active all the time. I think that forces you to stay well. To be 90 and still be working – that’s what I wouldn’t have expected. I’m the luckiest broad on two feet.”

Maybe the secret to a long and happy life is indulging in your vices here and there — and not feeling badly about it.

Oh, and having a killer sense of humor probably doesn’t hurt, either.

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