Priyanka Chopra Says She’s A “Terrible, Terrible Wife” To Nick Jonas Because She Can’t Cook

priyanka chopra nick Jonas

During a March 19th visit to The View, actress Priyanka Chopra Jonas admitted she’s a “terrible, terrible wife” to husband Nick Jonas because can’t cook. And girl, don’t beat yourself up. Being a good wife doesn’t rest on kitchen skills alone.

“I can’t cook,” Chopra told the talkshow hosts.

“And I told him that when he proposed. I was like, ‘Listen, you’re from a good southern home, you’re used to your mom making you amazing food. You’re not marrying that girl.’ I cannot cook.”

However, Chopra gave herself some credit.

“I can make eggs, also sporadically, maybe at night,” she said. “I’m better at making eggs at night, for dinner.”

She explained that she’s more awake in the later hours — especially after she’s had her coffee. Same, TBH.

“I’m a terrible, terrible wife in that sense,” Chopra said regarding her inability to whip up a meal. But her JoBro hubby doesn’t seem to mind. “[Nick] said, ‘It’s alright babe. Neither can I.’ You don’t hear that from guys. They’re usually like, ‘It’s okay baby. It’s alright if you can’t cook.'”

Jonas is truly a modern man.

She added that marriage feels so much different than dating.

“It’s like the family you choose,” she told the hosts. We think she chose a great one.

You can check out Chopra’s entire segment right here. She talks about going from girlfriend to wife at about 3:20.

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And we’re not just saying that because Jonas gifted his bride a Mercedes-Maybach to celebrate his single “Sucker” hitting No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100. Talk about selflessness.

Um, yeah. So can we.

The entire family she chose is pretty freaking awesome. (Ahem… and beautiful.)

Starks who? #JSisters for life.

What can we do to get a part in this Friends cast? Are there auditions soon, or…?

Chopra’s lack of cooking skills isn’t throwing a wrench in her married life. Since their December 2018 wedding, Chopra and Jonas’s love seems to only be growing stronger.

They’re partners in life and in travel. In fact, according to Chopra, Jonas is the “best travel buddy ever.”

And he’s also “the funniest guy [Chopra] knows.” Is Jonas actually perfect?

Yeah, probably. *Swoon*

But if Chopra ever wants to make Jonas something other than eggs for dinner, we can definitely help her out. These “restaurant-worthy” fish fillet recipes would definitely impress.

Or, Chopra could try a different breakfast for dinner idea. These savory pastries are honestly way too good.

These noodle recipes are so easy, Chopra could definitely find the time to whip one up within her busy schedule.

And they’re tasty, too.

Even better — Chopra and Jonas can make these recipes together. Thoughts, guys?

Shh… we’ll let them rest.

They can work on their cooking skills later.

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