Khloe Kardashian Photoshopped This Family Photo In The Kitchen…And There’s Something Very Off About It

Khloe Kardashian Penelope and Scott Disick

We are lol’ing. We all know the Kardashian crew is obsessed with looking perfect, snatched, and all the other adjectives that mean “put together AF.” But Khloé Kardashian may have gone too far in her latest Instagram pic. The Kardashian sister was a bit heavy-handed with the blur tool on a selfie she took with former bro-in-law Scott Disick and his daughter Penelope.

Like, no offense, Scott, but no one’s skin looks that good.

Lord Disick looks as if he’s been airbrushed into the photo. Even his hands look blurred out of control. We can totally tell that Khloé also put the Photoshop filter on both herself and 6-year-old Penelope (which is nutty beyond belief). But Scott just doesn’t look like himself. And it’s pretty freaking hilarious.

Listen, we understand that you want to look your absolute best for your collective 100 million Instagram followers. But Khloé and Scott — it’s too much! Scott looks like he’s come down with a curious case of the Benjamin Button phenomenon. He is a 13-year-old boy with a beard. It’s just strange, y’all.

“So basically, P is obsessed with me (jk) lol how FREAKING CUTE is she with her hair cut???!!!?” Khloé captioned the pic in question. It’s a cute haircut, but we’re a bit distracted by the blur.

Hmm…we’re just not buying it. Sorry.

For reference, here’s what Scott looks like in an “untouched” Instagram. Although, we can’t say for certain it’s actually untouched. It’s probably totally retouched.

Here’s another pic where Scott’s skin actually looks like skin. It’s a good look!

We’re not the only ones who picked up on this Photoshop faux pas. The blur is just so blurry.

Khloé Kardashian / Instagram

Perhaps we all have cataracts. Yeah — that must be it.

Khloé Kardashian / Instagram

She. Can’t. Neither of them can!

Khloé Kardashian / Instagram

No — take it from us. That much airbrushing is never a good look.

Khloé Kardashian / Instagram

Some say Khloé did Scott a favor. We don’t know if that’s insulting or not…

Khloé Kardashian / Instagram

The sad/infuriating thing is that neither Scott nor Khloé (ahem, nor Penelope) need that flipping blur tool. They’re incredibly good-looking people — that’s something we can all agree on.

Then again, perhaps the blur tool is a just a way for Scott to put on his “alter ego” Todd Kraines. It could be an effective way of getting into character.

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Because let’s face it — everybody loves a good Todd Kraines moment. We’re always strung out on Todd Kraines.

So even though we’re obsessed with Scott and Khloé’s friendship, we’d like to encourage them to be more themselves. Because blurred…

…isn’t always beautiful. But it is kind of funny.

And P.S. — you guys definitely don’t have to retouch Penelope. She’s adorbs as is.

Oh lord (Disick)…

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