If McDonald’s is your go-to fast food chain for eating your feelings, just know that you’re not alone. McDonald’s is *the* universal spot for comfort meals, whether your fave is the French fries (best in the world, IMHO), a classique cheeseburger, or Chicken McNuggets. And now, you can count on McDonald’s for your coffee fix.
Technically, McDonald’s has been serving coffee since the ’90s, but it’s only in the last few years that they’ve really upped their game with various lattes and Frappes (their version of Starbucks’s Frappuccino) and flavored coffees to become a major player in the coffee chain world. They even rolled out their own pumpkin spice latte, which is two dollars cheaper than Starbucks’s. Their most recent addition to the coffee menu? Cold brew coffee. Specifically, cold brew coffee that is customizable.
The cold brew, which launched today, comes in two different forms: frozen and Frappe. Unlike most cold brews, which are crazy strong, McDonald’s dilutes theirs with milk and sugar. It has also has a thicker consistency (think milkshake), so just beware if you’re only used to cold brews from Starbucks, Peet’s, or Dunkin’ Donuts. This cold brew comes with the works (unfortunately it doesn’t come black, so maybe stick to McDonald’s regular coffee if you prefer your coffee on the lighter side). According to Buzzfeed, a small cold brew from Mickey D’s is about 300 calories and costs two bucks.
If you go to the McDonald’s app, you can see all the different ways you can customize your drink. You can add: whipped cream, an espresso shot, caramel drizzle, chocolate drizzle, and Oreo Topping.

But not everyone is in love with the new addition. In fact, the internet is pretty divided over whether they’re on board.
Some people are concerned with the amount of milk and sugar…
Others are questioning the chain’s knowledge of coffee.
But a lot of people are obsessed.
And we are, too. Take thee to McDonald’s!