8 International Pizza-esque Foods Around the World to Stuff Your Face With - So Yummy - Video Recipes, Easy Dinner Ideas & Healthy Snacks | So Yummy

8 International Pizza-esque Foods Around the World to Stuff Your Face With


Japan “Okonomiyaki”

Photo by Instagram/ asdfgzz13579

Okonomiyaki translates to “grilled as you like it”. Served on a pancake with toppings such as cabbage, Japanese mayonnaise, Okonomiyaki sauce, dried seaweed, and dried bonito flakes.

Korea “Bulgogi”

Photo by Instagram/ Korean_NYC

This “fire meat” is topped with thin slices of beef and can include corn kernels and bell peppers on top of this thin crust pizza.





Georgia “Khachapuri”

Photo by Instagram/ Georgialand

This is something I have to get my hands on. A Khachapuri is a cheese-filled bread that is topped with an egg. How do you eat this boat-like masterpiece? Well, you tear off the crust and dig in.

Turkey “Lahmacun”

Photo by Instagram/ gaziantepdeyince

Thin crust pizza topped with minced meat, vegetables, and herbs. Onions, tomatoes, and parsley are the most popular choices for garnishing this dish.

Macedonia “Pastrmajlija”

Photo by Instagram/ TasteSkopje

Also known as a bread pie, Pastrmajlija is just dough shaped into an oval and sheep or lamb meat.


Rome, Italy “Pizza Bianca”

Photo by Instagram/ tinytee12

“White pizza” is just that, plain. No sauce, no meat. The only flavoring to this well-known meal is salt. It’s all about the fluffy bread.


Catalonia, Spain “Coca”

Photo by Instagram/ Beefncook

When your dough is flaky, you’re going to have some good coca. When you add lard, pine nuts, sugar, and anisette, you have coca.





St. Louis, Missouri, USA “St. Louis Style”

Photo by Instagram/ Patrickmgarvin

Thin crust, tomato sauce, and Provel cheese are what make this dish come alive in St. Louis, Missouri. Always cut into squares for sharing, this pizza is what makes the Show Me State one of a kind.

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