This Is Why Kit-Kats Taste A Million Times Better In The U.K.

uk kit kats

Not all chocolate bars are created equal. Sure, they all might satisfy your sweet tooth. But some are simply better-tasting than others. And if you’ve never tried British Kit-Kats before, then you’re in for a big surprise when you get your hands on one.

Those who have participated in a flavor test comparing British Kit-Kats to American Kit-Kats can attest to the fact that they actually do taste different. And there’s a reason: Not only do they have different manufacturers, but they have completely different recipes, too. American Kit-Kats are made by the Hershey Company, while British Kit-Kats are made by Nestlé. The American-made chocolate bar contains more sugar, while the British-made chocolate bar is higher in fat and cocoa, resulting in a richer, smoother flavor.

As Business Insider reports, U.K. legislation states that in order to be considered milk chocolate, a product must be at least 25% cocoa solids. However, in the U.S., a product must merely be 10% chocolate liquor.

Kit-Kats are one of the most popular chocolate bars across the pond. And as more Americans visit the U.K., they discover why for themselves. As the popularity of British Kit-Kats grows, more and more people want to get their taste. The Hershey Company soon took note and, well, they weren’t happy with this news.

These days, it’s much harder to get your hands on British Kit-Kats in America.

The New York Times reports that in 2015, the Hershey Company struck a deal with Let’s Buy British Imports to ban importing all Cadbury’s chocolate produced overseas, Toffee Crisps, Yorkie chocolate bars, Maltesers, and — yup — British Kit-Kats.

After the announcement, a particularly passionate British chocolate fan started a petition to protest the Hershey Company’s legal action. That was in 2015 and people are still signing it, over three and a half years later. At the time of this writing, it has nearly 40,000 signatures.

The internet agrees: British Kit-Kats are far superior in taste to American Kit-Kats.

So, Kit-Kats from the U.K. might taste objectively better than Kit-Kats from the U.S.


But at the end of the day, we’d never turn down a chocolate bar, no matter what continent it comes from.

Want to taste British Kit-Kats for yourself? Amazon is also selling a 6-pack for $6.21 (with free shipping!). You can thank us later.

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