Okay, y’all know what time it is! It’s February and Black History Month has arrived. If you have yet to show appreciation of black history in your community or with your family – I have three things to tell you. Listen up!
Imagine eating a deli sandwich without anything on the side. Or, seeking a vending machine for a quick snack only to find it empty with just gum and skittles. If you cringe at the thought of these things, give a round of applause for a black man named George Crum, an American chef, who invented the potato chip in 1853.
I’m just getting started … please stand for this next black man.
His name is George Washington Carver. Despite being born into slavery this man became one of the most influential scientists in history. His genius put peanut butter in our lives. Thank you, Sir Carver, I could not eat my way through life without a PB&J.
…. It’s not over, this last black man will make you OMG!
Once upon a time, there was an invention called the refrigerator. However, it didn’t work too well until John Standard gifted his design to the world in 1891. Standard mastered the cooling method of refrigerators. Think about this concept. There would be no such thing as leftovers if it wasn’t for John Standard. Forget clapping, he deserves a share or retweet!