Learning to budget your money can be beneficial to your long-term financial goals. Whether you are fresh out of college or you have been a lifelong penny-pincher, it’s always helpful to look over your finances to see where you can make cuts and where you can splurge. Your grocery budget is no different. The average American spends $302.00 a month on groceries according to a GoBankingRates survey. Americans spend more money on groceries each month than any other bill (utilities, car, entertainment, or clothing) besides rent. Learning how to save money on your grocery bill can help save you hundreds of dollars a year.

Download Your Grocery Store’s Money-Saving App
Most grocery stores have an app with up-to-date coupons that can save you money on your weekly grocery visit. Target’s Cartwheel app offers new discounts every Sunday. Ibotta offers shoppers discounts and cash back for scanning their everyday day purchases.

Invest More in Non-Perishable Items
Limit how much produce and meat you buy so your food doesn’t go to waste. Canned products like beans, soups, coconut cream, and sauces will typically last a few months.

Meal Plan
To prevent yourself from buying too much, make a list of the recipes you want to prepare each week. Only buy what is on your list. Typically, most grocery bills surge from those “little pickups” that weren’t on your original list.

Know the Difference Between Organic vs. Natural Products
There is no nutritional difference between free-caged white shelled eggs and brown shelled eggs. Chickens that lay brown eggs tend to be a little bigger and their eggs are higher priced. Knowing what items stores will mark up because they seem healthier can save you a few extra bucks each trip.
Only Visit the Grocery Store Once A Week
Like meal planning, setting one day a week in your schedule to visit the grocery store will prevent you from overspending. One big trip to the grocery store will fill your refrigerator and your meal plan will keep you full. Smaller grocery store runs can rack up over the course of the week. $25 dollar purchases three times a week (plus gas money to drive) seems convenient and inexpensive at the time, but can add up over time.
Learn more: Don’t just save money, learn how to save time in the grocery checkout line.