We all want our coffee hot. Our morning cup is what gets us through the day awake and feeling good. The biggest bummer of coffee is five minutes into drinking your liquid goodness, it gets cold. Cold coffee is only one notch above only having a fruitcake for dessert at the family dinner on the list of the worst things that happen to our food. Our favorite morning drink deserves better, so if you aren’t doing this, you are probably drinking your coffee wrong.
Add cream. Experts found that adding cream will slow coffee cooldown by 20% versus plain black coffee. Why? There are a few reasons why this happens according to science. First, black coffee cools down much faster because its dark color emits heat at a faster pace than lighter colored coffees. This is because dark colored objects absorb heat faster but also release more heat. The role of heat transfer in this creamy phenomenon can be explained by the second law of thermodynamics.
According to Jethro Andal of Futurism, the second law of thermodynamics says,
“Heat will not flow spontaneously from a cold object to a hot object. Energy tends to scatter out to its environment. A hot cup of coffee, therefore, will scatter its internal energy to its environment until it gets cold.”
The short version: heat transfers, cold doesn’t. When chilled creamer is added to hot coffee, the heat of the black coffee transfers into the cream. Most coffee creamers contain fat which helps the coffee retain heat and slow down the evaporation process. If you’re looking to really keep your coffee hot, use a ceramic mug. Ceramic mugs help hold heat more than paper or plastic containers because of its heat retaining properties. Who knew science was the solution to all of our cold coffee problems?
Have you heard of Shroom Coffee? Learn more: “Shroom Coffee, Have You Tried It Yet?“