The Dessert Table At Jake Paul And Tana Mongeau’s Wedding Looked Really Sad

If you’re Jake Paul and Tana Mongeau, what happens in Vegas does not stay in Vegas.

On Sunday night in Sin City, the two YouTube stars appeared to have tied the knot at the Graffiti Mansion, and then celebrated with a reception at The Sugar Factory.

Despite the influencers over the top personalities and widespread speculation their relationship is a hoax, the pair walked down the aisle after just three months of dating.

The ceremony lasted just ten minutes, before a guest threw champagne at the couple, which incited a fistfight.

While the anticlimactic drama, $125 cubic zirconium ring, and lack of a marriage license were all disappointments to fans, nothing can beat the truly abysmal dessert table.

Honestly, we’re more confused by this Sugar Factory disaster than why Jake was toting around an umbrella in 100-degree dry weather.

You have to physically strain your eyes to make out the sweet options.

Were guests encouraged to split cake pops in half or is there a hidden room somewhere full of chocolate?

They also had the nerve to charge fans $50 to watch the wedding ceremony live on Halogen TV.

As crazy as Jana appears, we could’ve accepted the faked relationship rumors as just rumors, if they’d cared a bit more about their reception.

According to Stephanie McNeal, a reporter for BuzzFeed, who attended the couple’s reception, the event was simply disappointing.

“My first observation was that everything was smaller than I anticipated, given that the wedding had reportedly cost half a million dollars. The “red carpet” was a few rugs covering a small walkway, and the venue was no larger than your average bar,” she wrote.

“The DJ, the buffet, and a kind of sad-looking dessert table were all crammed in the corner. There were about 10 tables for guests covered with Sugar Factory–branded ducks and small floral arrangements,” McNeal added.

This is truly unbelievable.

While the cake was larger than your average wedding, the reporter noted “it was super weird that we were in the middle of an outdoor mall, right next to a Zara. All in all, it seemed low budget for a celebrity affair.”

Here’s a full video of that cake, in all its glory.

The YouTube power couple did have a traditional cake cutting, but Jake ultimately started attacking the cake until it fell to the ground.

Jake’s brother Logan Paul speculates the couple will last “a month or a month and a half.”

See below for more details of their whirlwind romance.

The unexpected engagement.

The ring.

You’ve got to love Tana for keeping it real with the caption, “bet you didn’t think we’d be engaged for this long.”

They share a love of expensive things.

And a love for scandals.

#Jana fans went crazy over this picture imaging their future family.

So back to the “wedding?”

Here comes the bride.

Rings were exchanged.

You can see them whisper “I love you” during the ceremony.

Oh, newlyweds.

This totally feels real, not fake at all.

The dress, however, is pretty amazing.

The cake cutting was messy.

Can anyone explain the chanting….

We’ll end it here, meet the Pauls.

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