Cracking open a fresh can of Pringles can really turn a day around. But this new Pringles flavor may just shift the course of your entire life. Mac ‘N Cheese Pringles are reportedly a thing, and um, do you guys hear those angels singing?
According to food Instagrammer The Junk Food Aisle, these bad boys are a limited edition flavor, so that means they won’t be on store shelves forever. “Mac ‘N Cheese Pringles [were] part of a test run included in a Thanksgiving Dinner Pringle set back in 2017,” The Junk Food Aisle wrote in a July 12th post. “I gave them a 3/5 then. But more importantly, I hope this means a more public release of some of the other flavors is coming. Looking at you Stuffing Pringles.”
Although we can’t say we’re totally on board for Stuffing Pringles, we are 110% about Mac ‘N Cheese Pringles. One of The Junk Food Aisle’s followers found a few tubes at a Dollar General, FYI.
When Mac ‘N Cheese Pringles were first released, they were included in a sampler package alongside Turkey, Mashed Potatoes, and yes, Stuffing Pringles. It seems as though none of these flavors got their own individual release besides Mac ‘N Cheese Pringles, so obviously, Mac ‘N Cheese was the crowd fave flav.
Another Instagram user spotted Mac ‘N Cheese Pringles at a store near them, as well. It looks like they’re officially making a comeback.
And it looks as though Pringles may have re-released this iconic flavor in honor of National Mac And Cheese Day, which was yesterday, July 14th. We wish we had known they were back in stores ahead of time — we would have absolutely stocked up.
If you can’t seem to find Mac ‘N Cheese Pringles, don’t fret. There are some amazing other cheesy Pringles on the market.

For example, we’re big fans of the original Cheddar Cheese variety. And we’re in love with this no-cooking-necessary grilled cheese recipe.
And Pizza Pringles are also the bomb. They’re cheesy, spicy, and have a hint of marinara.
But, and we can’t stress this enough, all flavors of Pringles are the best. There is no bad flavor.
Except the “Player Pringles.” Guard your heart, people.
can’t believe a pringles can break my heart this much
— that person is back (@crayoness) July 7, 2019
Even if they don’t taste like the flavor they’re supposed to, they’re still good. It’s actually magic.
Discovered in Japan: Garlic-Shrimp Pringles. I tried them and they tasted like neither garlic nor shrimp , but they weren’t too bad. 🦐 #pringles #garlicshrimp
— Mark Crilley (@markcrilley) July 9, 2019
And their shape makes life better. We can’t explain it — it just does.
Him: It’s over. You’re too immature.
— Jedi Cheesy Grits (@JediGigi) July 7, 2019
Me: [with 2 Pringles in my mouth pretending I'm a duck] Quack?
Plus, the can they come in is actually too convenient. Seriously — it’s too convenient.
I just saw some idiot at the gym put a water bottle in the pringles holder on the treadmill
— tiz (@tizzhere) July 5, 2019
Sure, they could be a bit wider. But us baby-handed people need something to brag about, okay?
I may have tiny baby hands but they’re the perfect size to reach into the Pringles can so who’s the fool now
— Jimmy Carter Stan Account (@samank98) July 14, 2019
Literally us and all of our friends anytime we get together. Pringles are always front and center.

Be on the lookout for Mac ‘N Cheese Pringles, everyone. They’re going to make your life so much better.
“PrinGOALS” doesn’t even begin to cover how good these things must taste. It’s comfort food in a can.

And if you know what’s good for you, you’ll stockpile a whole bunch of Mac ‘N Cheese Pringles when you find them. They’re bound to fly off the shelves ASAP.