This Guy Stole A Soda From His Office Refrigerator And Wrote The Worst Apology Note

stolen office soda

If you work in an office, you’ve probably brought lunch to leave in the office refrigerator before. And chances are, you’ve heard horror stories about people stealing food from it. Maybe you’re even a victim of office refrigerator theft yourself. Every time it happens, we can’t help but think, Who would actually steal food from their co-worker?! But no matter how outrageous it sounds, it still happens. Usually, the culprit gets away with it. But at Reddit user siredwardh’s office, someone actually owned up to it with an apology note. The crime? Stealing a Coca-Cola from a co-worker.

Siredwardh shared a picture of the note on Reddit. After a brief greeting, the note gets right to the point. There’s an immediate confession, an apology, and even an expression of gratitude, all within the first five sentences. From there, the cola thief vows to replace it. They even offer to put security measures in place to make sure only the one true wronged person receives reparations. Finally — and this is the most important part — the culprit signs his name.

At first, we were like, Right on, man! Way to own up to your crime! But the more we thought about it, the angrier we got.


Here’s the note in question:

It’s nice that Justin confessed. But instead of trying too hard to be funny, he should have just replaced the soda, plain and simple.


We’re not laughing with you, Justin. We’re laughing at you.


The “(as long as I’ve had some coffee)” line REALLY rubs us the wrong way.


There’s only one person who can get away with a line like that.


Redditors aren’t having it, either.

It’s just so… what’s the word? Ah. Immature.

Just replace the soda and move on, Justin!

But it’s not about the soda. It’s the principle of the thing.

Think about it: If you knew you had a soda in the refrigerator and were looking forward to enjoying it, it would be crushing to find it missing.

Some people are calling for Justin’s termination.


Also, this hilarious comment is 10x funnier than Justin’s original note. Well done.

So Justin, Coca-Cola thief: Better luck next time.


We appreciate you trying to make amends and make us laugh. But we hate to break it to you: It sort of backfired.


Here’s hoping all the office refrigerator thieves out there think twice the next time they get a craving.

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