Dear America, it has taken twenty-five years for the Swedish company Oatly to arrive with a delicious glass of oat milk. Nevertheless, they are finally here and taking over grocery store shelves and coffee shops nationwide.

Photo by Oatly
Yes, it’s oat milk. Have you tried it before? The milk has a creamy consistency but it’s lighter than almond milk. The taste is sweet with hints of grain and oat. Oatly currently has three types of oat milk available: regular oat milk, barista oat milk, and chocolate oat milk.
Oatly’s oat milk is gluten-free and GMO-free. The process of making oat milk is similar to other vegan milk alternatives, which means it’s mainly water-based. However, the nutrients in oat milk are different. Oat milk provides more B vitamins and fiber compared to other kinds of milk and milk alternatives. Also, when compared to the most popular alternative, almond milk, oat milk contains more protein.
Welcome to America, Oatly!