Fans Spotted A Water Bottle In The “Game Of Thrones” Finale, Oops

game of thrones water bottle

What in the name of George R. R. Martin happened, guys? Just two episodes after a rogue coffee cup was spotted on the head table at Winterfell, a plastic water bottle made a startling cameo in last night’s, May 19th, Game of Thrones series finale. We’re disappointed. However, at this point, we are not shocked.


Fans found the water bottle next to Samwell Tarly’s foot during the scene in which Bran the Broken is named King of the Seven Kingdoms (a decision that we could write an entire essay about, but we digress). It seemed as though actor John Bradley thought he was being sneaky by hiding the bottle behind his leg. But in true Tarly fashion, he blundered the attempt.

After receiving a huge amount of backlash for the coffee cup incident in Episode 4, one would think HBO and Thrones creators would go back into the final two episodes with a fine-tooth comb to ensure no mishaps of such epic proportion would happen again. But alas, here we are: the final season of Game of Thrones ruined by a plastic water bottle.

Okay, maybe it wasn’t *just* the water bottle. And maybe Thrones wasn’t *ruined,* per se. We’re just trying to wrap our heads around a lot right now, so please excuse the dramatics.

And what’s worse is the fact that there wasn’t just one water bottle in the now infamous King’s Landing scene. No — there were seemingly two.

Tarly wasn’t the only leader of his house to be thirsty. Sir Davos was apparently parched, as well.

For those of us who have been really paying attention this season, the coffee cup and the water bottle haven’t been the only flubs that have tainted Westeros. As this fan pointed out, there have been a few other technical errors that snuck past editors, producers, directors, etc.

Many fans believe these mistakes prove that the show creators took a rushed approach to complete the final season. Plot holes were left open and character development fell to the wayside.

And although some scenes were aesthetically incredible (and anxiety-inducing), most agree that story was lacking. And seeing carelessness like misplaced beverages bolster the theory that a lot was sacrificed to stay within a time crunch.

We really hope this isn’t true. But it’s all starting to make sense.

But now that Thrones is finally over, all we can really do is laugh at these hilarious flubs. Perhaps creators David Benioff and D.B. Weiss will pull a J.K. Rowling and spill secrets post-finale.

No, guys — mistakes are actually canon.

The cup and bottle were *meant* to be there. It’s all part of the ~underlying plot~.

Or maybe we’ve been Punked. Where’s Ashton Kutcher? We knew this was all a joke!

When the “secret episode” airs and we get this alternate ending. Honestly, we wouldn’t be mad.

Then again, we could just be using Water Bottle-gate as a distraction. It’s hard for us to come to terms with the fact that Thrones is officially over.

But on the flip side, the water bottle could be forcing us to talk about something besides the lackluster episode. We’re *just saying.*

Sadly, after Dany’s coffee cup cameo, we’re not surprised something else slipped by. Did it really alter how we watched the episode?

Not really. But it did make us wonder if the creators took this final season as seriously as they should have.

We’ll be anxiously waiting to see if HBO responds to the water bottle like they did when the coffee cup was exposed. Tick tock, HBO. Tick tock!

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