Musician, mom, and Instagrammer Katy Goodman is not going to buy anything in 2019. Besides paying for rent, health insurance, groceries, and other essentials, Goodman has nixed her spending budget for material items and general superfluous expenditures. She’s calling it the #NoBuy challenge, and as one might expect, it’s not for the faint-of-heart shopaholic.
“So here I go, embarking on a new journey. Buying nothing in 2019,” Goodman captioned a January 2nd Instagram post. “I’m allowed to buy groceries, but I’m going to keep it as minimal as possible while still being healthy and nutritious… I’m also not going to be buying new clothes.”
She added that she plans to wear the clothing she has — like the hat she has on in the pic — until they fall apart.
Goodman plans to replace her worn out clothes with used ones or items from ethical shops.
“That’s the kind of journey I am embarking on…using up what I have, and then only replacing what’s necessary with ethically sourced replacements. Do I sound dumb right now? Yes, but I think sounding dumb is good sometimes.”
We wouldn’t say Goodman sounds dumb at all. In fact, she sounds brave. We truly cannot imagine going an entire year without buying a single item of clothing.
So far, Goodman’s #NoBuy journey has been a success. On January 14th, she shared her #NoBuy rules with her followers. Basically, she’s only allowing herself to purchase the things she actually needs.
And listen, there are definitely some exceptions to these rules. For example, concert tickets are a #NoBuy exception.
In all of January, Goodman managed to spend less than $20.
She wrote on January 22nd, “So far this month, I have spent: $8 on food eating out with friends, $2 on a phone app to help me stay focused, $4 on an iced latte while walking around L.A. with my family. $14 so far in January ain’t too bad!”
Other people have taken on #NoBuy challenges of their own. Some have started small with doing #NoBuyApril.
This Instagram user is doing a food-only #NoBuy challenge.
After cleaning out their pantry, they’re ready to go through what they have before buying any new food items.
A single month of letting your finances rest and helping your savings grow can really make a huge difference.
You’ll feel better about your spending habits and have more money to fall back on as a cushion.
Plus, this challenge may just make you see your finances differently. You might be inspired to adjust your spending to better your wallet for good.
I think one of the things that is important for me in doing #NoBuyApril is that I am a very, very compulsive spender, on stuff I don't always need or want, so doing this as a hard reset for me is important.
— Elyse Explosion 💣💥 (@elyseexplosion) April 2, 2018
One Instagram makeup artist, who goes by @pan_it_by_mia, is on a “no-buy till 2020” quest. She plans to use all her makeup and skin care before buying anything new.
She’s kept track of her empties, and how much she’s saved and spent on products since the beginning of 2018.
In 2019 alone, she’s emptied enough product equal to 400,33€ (about $449).
Seriously, guys. The results of a #NoBuy challenge are beyond impressive.
Just look at how much this Instagram user, @thekiwisaver, saved in February compared to last year:
If you’re not ready to go full #NoBuy, that’s totally understandable. Instead, set a rule or challenge for yourself that’s more attainable. Put $20 into your savings account every Friday. Or decide to ditch takeout and coffee for the month.
Wow the #Nobuy challenge sounds interesting. I actually think I’ve been unknowingly doing this. I saw another money saving tip on Instagram where you set $20 aside every Friday. I might try that this month! #Moneysavingtips
— Hey, it’s Kimberlee! (@hey_kimberlee) April 1, 2019
Next, you might want to go Marie Kondo on your house. Instagram user @ggkhanna cleaned out her closet before embarking on her #NoBuy journey.
“So this also propels me into my next challenge of ‘no buying’ for 6 months,” she wrote. “Unless a new pair of shoes are needed, there will be no new clothes, accessories, or home decor purchased.”
Many people see the benefit of going #NoBuy temporarily. And they’re willing to give it the old college try.
Pretty sure I need this #nobuy thing
— Isabel Grouse (@onlyizzygrouse) April 1, 2019
Okay, credit card. Time to play hide and seek.
I'm hiding my credit card now 🙅🏽💳🚫 #nobuyapril
— Jessica (@littlejayy13) April 1, 2016
TBH, we’d be stressed knowing that we can’t buy anything. But we’re glad Mary is finding it the opposite.
April is #nobuy month. Kind of relaxing, really. Dont have to make any purchase decisions.
— MerryMary (@MerryMary48) April 2, 2019
We suppose if you do a bit of shopping before a #NoBuy period, that could ease the stress of it. But does that defeat the purpose?
Some have even liked their #NoBuy experience so much so that they continued to ditch shopping past their challenge end date. Way to go, girl!
It's the last day of my #NoBuy, but I say we keep it going as long as possible!
— Chelsea Pearl (@chelseapearl) July 1, 2017
Deciding to go #NoBuy is going to be challenging, as Goodman said in a February 2nd Instagram post.
“There were definitely some moments where I almost caved.”
She said there were moments of weakness when she wanted to buy new shampoo and order takeout.
“All in all, I am very thankful that I’m on a No Buy this year, because I love saving money, and making better choices. It’s definitely fucking hard sometimes, but I have no regrets. One month DOWN, 11 to go.”
Some who have taken on the #NoBuy challenge have caved. It’s probably best to stay far away from department stores while on a #NoBuy mission.
I’m suppose to be on a #NoBuy right now.. I guess I failed! Oh well, I grabbed @fentybeauty #DiamondMilk Gloss & #DiamondBomb and @TooFaced #Gingerbread palette, #ChristmasDreams bundle, & #UnderTheChristmasTree set!! #Holidays2018 #FentyBeauty #TooFaced
— Christina (@Miss_Boujie_) September 21, 2018
That definitely means no more Target runs, right? That sucks.
Rule #1 of #nobuymarch: Don't walk into #Target #financialadvicefromfranny
— Alicia H (@A_Franny) March 8, 2014
Coffee and fast food are also off the table. But…but…!
@wutweetclann Right? I'm too devoted to fast food- I've kinda limited it to material things. But I'm sure cutting it out isn't a bad idea...
— Jordan Cleppe (@clepjor) February 1, 2013
Because as a wise woman once said, “I want it, I got it.” Restraint is key for a successful #NoBuy.
If we really go off the rails, we suppose we could just regroup and try again next month. And then again the month after that… lol.
Ehhh I forgot I went to shop in hermo haritu. #nobuyapril is officially cancelled!! I'll focus on #nobuymay ok 🤣 #prayforatirah
— Atirah 🫰🏼 (@AtirahSezali) April 18, 2018
Sheet protectors are definitely an okay buy. At least we think so.
Almost 2 weeks in to this thing and still doing okay with no shopping. I bought 3 pkgs of sheet protectors for organizing knitting stuff which could be considered frivolous? But I don’t think so.
— m (@eupteryx) April 14, 2018
Ah ha! Forming a #NoBuy support group is a great idea.
We’re intrigued and definitely interested to see if we could hold ourselves accountable to a #NoBuy lifestyle.
It would definitely be a challenge, seeing as this is us every time we log on to Amazon or walk into Starbucks:

But maybe, just maybe, we could be successful. We’ll have to marinate on the idea.
Hmmm the #NoBuy idea sounds fun. Hmm... i think ill follow that...
— Julee (@juleebeetch) April 1, 2019
However, we can’t commit just yet. We have our spring wardrobe to think about.
Really questioning my life choices right now for a #NoBuyApril as the spring weather comes and I’m looking at my closet of cute things but nothing to wear and my bookshelf with stacks of TBRs but nothing to read
— A M A N D A 🔥 (@amandanicolet_) April 3, 2018
What do you guys think? Could you do a #NoBuy challenge?
Follow Goodman, @pan_it_by_mia, @thekiwisaver, and other #NoBuy Instagram users to see how they progress throughout the year.
We wish them luck and we just may be inspired to join them on their journey.