Ariel Winter Opened Up About Her Dramatic Weight Loss When Questioned By A Fan

When it comes to talking about body image and weight, we as a society have come a long way in recent months. A wide array of body types are becoming more and more socially acceptable, there are a bunch of companies who have ditched Photoshop, and a lot of people in the public eye are more open about their body image and self-esteem than ever before. Even so, there is still a huge focus on the bodies of celebrities, which is why Ariel Winter’s weight has been such a topic of conversation as of late.

For anyone who follows Winter, it’s not exactly a secret that the Modern Family star has lost a lot of weight recently. Considering the fact that she grew up in front of us on television, it’s not surprising that her physical appearance has changed. Still, it’s impossible not to notice her recent weight loss.

So what exactly has been going on? Winter recently opened up about her dramatic weight loss when questioned by a fan, and what she said is worth hearing.

The conversation about her weight loss started, of course, with some good old fashioned body shaming.

When fans and followers noticed that Winter looked a lot thinner in her photos, the rumors and speculation began. Many people left comments insinuating that Winter was using drugs to lose the weight.

The star shut down those rumors really quickly by leaving some sarcastic comments on her own Instagram photos.

She quipped, “My psychiatrist switched me from my previous anti depressant that didn’t work and made me gain weight, to coke/meth!! Definitely not a new one that worked and regulated my metabolism. Coke/meth was a controversial decision, but she stands by it.”

Winter got a bit more serious about her weight loss during an Instagram Q&A with her fans.

A fan asked her, “Why so thin?” and Winter expanded on her previous comment about antidepressants.

She said, “For years I had been on anti-depressants that caused me to gain weight that I couldn’t lose no matter what I did. It was always frustrating for me because I wanted to get fit and feel like the work I was doing was paying off, but it never felt that way. I had accepted it and moved on.”

She explained that she chose to stay on the old pills because she felt like she really needed them mentally, even though they were changing her body.

Eventually, though, she did end up finding a combination of pills that helped her depression and also didn’t make her gain weight.

She explained, “The change in medication instantly made me drop all the weight I couldn’t lose before by just giving me back a metabolism.”

Winter seems pretty happy with her body now, but she did admit that she wants to gain some of the weight back.

She said, “While I feel better mentally with the change, and it’s nice to work out and have your body actually respond, I want to gain a few pounds of muscle and get healthier.”

The feature she misses the most? She said: “Also want my butt back…”

According to the Mayo Clinic, weight gain is a potential side effect of nearly all anti-depressants. Weight gain or loss can also be symptoms of depression.

Winter went into a little more detail on her own mental health journey, saying that she’s been seeing a therapist for years.

She said, “There’s nothing shameful about seeing a therapist or being on medication … I’m hoping the discussions will keep us progressing in the right direction with mental health check ups. We don’t need to hide our struggles even though I know how hard it is to share.”

When one fan asked exactly which meds she was on, Winter was careful not to reveal too much – for a good reason.

She said, “The only reason I haven’t named all the meds I’ve changed to is because everyone’s systems work differently! My psychiatrist (& therapist) both advised me that it could potentially be harmful to anyone who thinks that since it worked for me it will automatically work for them.”

She added, “Just because it changed the weight side effect for me doesn’t mean it will for everyone.”

She also said that she has tried over 10 different medications before finding what worked for her.

“I’ve tried 10+ different meds over the course of a few years and I finally found ones that make me feel better instead of just a baseline ‘meh.'”

Winter added, “It’s an extremely difficult process to go through, but eventually you’ll realize all of the trials are worth it ❤️ Stay strong 💖”

Some fans seemed to be angry about the fact that Winter got a lot more thin.

But other fans pointed out that it’s not right to criticize someone for losing too much weight, especially if you don’t know the whole story.

The change in the way Winter looks can also be attributed to her breast reduction surgery.

In 2015, Winter had breast reduction surgery to go from a size 32F to a 34D.

She told Glamour that she had always felt a little uncomfortable about her breast size and the attention that she got because of it.

Winter decided to share her decision to have the surgery to try to help other girls in a similar position. She explained, “It’s something that I did to better my life and better my health, and I think that can benefit a lot of young girls. I have felt happier with myself than I ever have. I am living a dream that a lot of girls my age would love to be living, and I’m aware of that. I’m really grateful that I’m able to do that and have a voice that I’m able to speak to teenagers. I don’t want to do anything to mess that up.”

These aren’t the only times Winter has had to defend herself, either. She’s been criticized before, as some followers believed she needed to lose weight.

Never one to keep quiet when being attacked, she spoke up against those body shamers as well.

She talked about the constant criticism in a 2016 interview with Seventeen.

She said, “It’s definitely hard being self-conscious and having the world be able to tell you how they feel about you. Before Twitter and Instagram, if you felt a certain way about a person you didn’t know, you couldn’t tell them. Now I wake up and I have tweets to me about how I’m a fat, ugly blah-blah.”

She added, “When I was younger, it took a lot more of a toll on me than it does now.”

Winter went on to say, “Three or four years ago, I would have been devastated, like, ‘Why do people feel this way about me? I’m just being me.’ My sister helped me understand that people will say those things regardless of how you look. I tell myself every day, ‘I look fabulous.'”

Aside from being body-shamed for being too big and for being too thin, Winter has been criticized for showing off too much of her body.

In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Winter talked about that, saying, “If you want to wear a short skirt and show your body like I do, it doesn’t mean you’re a whore. And it doesn’t mean you’re not one.”

She continued, “People call me stupid because I post photos of my butt when the real thing is, I love my butt. I love butts! Why stifle yourself because other people can’t handle it?”

After defending herself when she was being shamed for losing too much weight, Winter did an unretouched photoshoot with Pulse Spikes.

Some people have pointed out that Winter can’t seem to win when it comes to her body.

Users have pointed out that some outlets and people are too obsessed with Winter’s body.

It definitely seems like they have a point. Why can’t the girl just live?!

We love that Winter was open about her mental health journey and everything that went into it. Now hopefully everyone can get off her back!

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