14 Side-By-Side Photos Of Food Babies That Will Make You Do A Double-Take

food baby photos

You know when you come across a really delicious meal, and it’s so good that you pretty much gorge on it? Like, you just keep eating and eating until it’s actually a little painful to continue, and by the time you’re done, you’re more full than you’ve ever been? It happens to the best of us! But eating this much food can cause a funny little phenomenon as well: it can give you a food baby.

At this point, chances are good that you’ve definitely heard of the term “food baby” at least a few times before.

It refers to the moment when you eat so much that your belly sticks out in a distended way to make you look like you’re carrying around, well, a baby. It’s bloating to the point of actually looking pregnant, and while it can be an incredibly strange and uncomfortable feeling, it’s also kind of amusing. Because really, it happens to the best of us.

A food baby, which is essentially just bloating, doesn’t only happen after you’ve eaten too much.

It can also occur as a reaction to something specific that you’re eating. For example, extreme bloating like this is common for people who suffer from IBS.

If you eat something that your body has trouble digesting, it can result in a baby-like bump.

Luckily, food babies usually go away on their own after a little while — although sometimes they need medicine to help them along.

But in the time you have that food baby, it’s almost impossible not to snap a photo of it and share it with friends. Take a look at some food baby photos that will make you feel less alone next time you have a food baby…

1. This fitness blogger wrote about her food baby from having a “bad” day:

Fitness blogger Tiffany Brien showed off these two photos of herself, one taken in the morning, and one taken at night after a day of eating badly and not getting enough sleep.

She wrote, “We are not all what we seem on social media. I thought I would share a bad day with you to show you nobody is ‘perfect’ and it is ok to have an off day where your body just decides to not play ball.”

2. This Instagram influencer got a food baby from eating just one thing:

She wrote, “Not pregnant, just eating right 🌯🌯 BEFORE and AFTER I had a burrito.” Man, our bodies are crazy!

3. One user showed the difference between her morning belly and her night belly:

She wrote, “9AM vs 9PM after a full day of eating. Both me, both valid, both worthy.”

It’s a nice message that everyone deals with this kind of thing!

4. A Twitter user shared this extremely relatable tweet:

Who hasn’t held their swollen bloated belly and pretended there was a baby in there?

Admit it!

5. One girl responded with a similar photo:

It’s actually amazing how much this looks like a baby bump.

But it’s not!

6. This guy showed it can happen to men too:

It’s pretty clear that he’s not pregnant, right?

7. One health blogger used it as a way to discuss food intolerances:

She wrote:

“I wish this was some cute pregnancy announcement photo, but it is NOT Lol! This has been my life for the past couple of months. Eat one thing and I experience irritable bowl, stomach pain and uncomfortable bloating!”

8. This health blogger showed how different they look when they’re bloated:

They wrote, “I’ve had ‘IBS’ for a few years now and would bloat like this a few times a week, almost anything would set it off.”

Sometimes, you don’t know why it’s happening.

9. This Instagram user shared their own experience with food intolerance:

Although the caption is in a different language, it’s clear from her hashtags that she’s experiencing a food baby from eating the wrong things for her body.

Look at that difference!

10. One user showed the difference before and after a meal:

She wrote, “Hi food baby 🤰🏽👋🏼!! This is one meals difference … the bloat is real !!”

It’s kind of a cute bump!

11. This photo shows it can happen even if you have abs:

Defined stomach muscles stand no chance against bloat.

This is definitely an interesting before and after.

12. An Instagram influencer showed her contrasting photos to write about bloating:

She said, “Hands up how many of you can look around 6 months preggers just from sniffing food.”

She also brought up how it’s important to understand that this can happen to basically anyone.

13. Another fitness blogger showed off her bloated belly as well:

In her post, she explained:

“The first pic was last night after a full day of eating, lots of water, and I had pizza & halo top at night. I have a very sensitive stomach and bloat SO easily (always has been an insecurity of mine)🤰🏼 The second pic was straight outta bed this morning after everything’s been digested and I haven’t put anything in my body.”

14. One Instagram influencer showed how much your body can change throughout the day:

She wrote, “I wanted to share this with you guys to show that even the ‘fitness influencers’ look like this, some just don’t wanna share it.” It’s crazy to see how different your belly can look at night.

The takeaway here?

Bloating is normal, especially if you aren’t eating correctly for your body. Oh, and also, food baby comparison pictures are kind of awesome.

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