The Internet Is Seriously Freaked Out By This Lollipop Magic Trick

lollipop magic trick

Magic is a wonderful thing. Seriously — while there’s a little bit of deception behind it, it’s all in good fun. Even though most of us are a little tired of the “saw a lady in half” stage trick, young magicians everywhere are upping their game with seriously impressive new stunts. For example, even Drake was amazed by this lollipop magic trick that was posted online.

Drake appeared to be at a club when approached by a street magician named Julius Dein. Dein, who’s only 24, operates out of the U.K. While on camera, Dein asks the notable singer who his favorite superhero is. With no hesitation, Drake states it’s Batman. Solid choice, Drake.

From there, Dein pulls out a lollipop. It seems like a pretty standard red pop. Dein put it in his mouth, just to pull it out and see that it was shaped like Batman. Wait, what??

You might want to watch the trick a couple times to figure it all out. Sure, it’s possible that Dein used sleight of hand to try and trick the audience into believing it’s the same lollipop, but Drake was right there and still seemed surprised. Drake is a great actor (see: Degrassi), but it’s really hard to fake shock at a magic trick.

Just watch this magic trick for yourself:

This GIF response is pure perfection:

It’s possible that Dein had the Batman pop ready in advance, but what if Drake chose someone more obscure, like Girl Genius or The Question?

No matter what, all eyes are now on Julius Dein. Who knows what other tricks he has up his sleeve?

Looking for a truly magical dessert to wow your guests with? Well, we have the stuffed unicorn cookies of your dreams.

After all, what’s more magical than unicorns and sprinkles?

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