These Kids’ Birthday Cake Fails Are So Wrong, They’re Somehow Right

birthday cake fails

When you have kids, it’s hard to plan birthday parties with little chaos or judgment. Either they’re too big or too small, the venue is too expensive, or perhaps your children change their mind on the theme at the last minute. It happens, and when it does, you may hope that the cake is your saving grace. As long as it’s baked (unless it’s in ice cream form), nothing should go wrong, right?

Well, a few moms on the internet have gone viral after prepping a cake that had something unexpected happen either at the bakery or while it was being created at home. The good news is that they’ve managed to find humor in their mistakes.

Let’s just hope their kids don’t Google them someday and realize that their birthday party was a bit more scandalous than anyone could have imagined.

At the end of the day, it’s important to realize that moms have a lot on their plates. Chances are, they planned the whole party without too much help, and they’re probably exhausted. They should be forgiven for these funny cake fails. No matter what the cake looked like, chances are it still tasted pretty good!

This one ended up looking like a cake for the family pet:

Cake Wrecks/Facebook

This mom had a simple request — to have “happy birthday” written on the cake with some sprinkles on top.

But, it looks like whoever decorated missed some important notes.

A birthday cake that ended up pretty literal:

Speaking of sprinkles, this mom tried hard to get her son a cake that looked like a geode.

But, oops… It also looks slightly like a bedazzled part of the female anatomy.

We imagine that this was a very confusing surprise:

While not a birthday cake, this congratulatory cake made by a proud U.K. mother turned “Uni” into something totally different. Yikes!

Talk about double-sided:

Similarly, this cake made for a toddler has a totally different message if you looked at it from the other side.

It’s not an appropriate word for a cake or actual life, but the situation is pretty funny.

You can blame autocorrect for this one:

Instead of adding a “wee blonde girl” on top of a 21st birthday cake for her daughter, mother Marie Seggie accidentally got a “wee blind girl.”

You have to admit, even though it was incorrect, it was really well done.

We honestly don’t understand how this happened:

Surprisingly, there are a few incredible Peppa Pig-related cake fails out there. But this one is the best.

A mom picked up her cake with an image of the USB drive that contained the photo, instead of the popular Nick Jr. character.

As a fair warning, this one may not be safe for work:

This cake made the rounds back in 2014, but it’s not quite clear where it originated. Needless to say, it’s easy to figure out what the baker was going for.

But, even the original artwork for The Little Mermaid VHS made things seem somewhat phallic when it came to the castle.

We will never see Toy Story the same way again:

This cake fail was also posted in 2014.

It looks like Woody might have, um, needed to RSVP a last-minute “no” to this birthday party due to severe stomach issues.

This one includes a built-in apology.

Hey, sometimes it happens.

We see something online and try really hard, later to remember that baking is way harder than it looks. Hopefully, Ellen still enjoys this cake.

Kirby looks a little sad.

Honestly, do you even want to take a bite of a realistic-looking Kirby?

He was pretty much an icon to us in the Game Boy generation. In that case, this may actually be somewhat of a birthday cake win.

Yet another phallic castle.

If your kid wants a castle, what are you going to do? Without these phallic pillars, it’d just look like a standard house.

This worm-infested dragon

Winter is coming. Well, on HBO. If you want to celebrate the big Game of Thrones premiere, maybe you should look elsewhere for your dragon cake inspiration.

FYI, that’s meant to be a frog.

It looks like a friendly ghost, popping out to wish Tyler the best birthday ever.

(But seriously, since it’s likely constructed with gobs of icing, surely the frog is delicious.)

This one has a flat tire.

The most important part is that her kid absolutely loved it, even if his birthday didn’t actually make it onto the cake.

And, speaking of trucks…

Not going to lie, I thought this one was a melted Cookie Monster at first glance. But when you see it, and lock into it, it’s almost like a Magic Eye. Nobody can deny it — this is art.

As long as there are birthdays, there’ll be parental cake fails.

The good news is that an unintentionally hilarious cake will be remembered long after the rest. As long as we all have a sense of humor about it, a cake fail can actually add a bit of lighthearted humor to any birthday party. Just as long as it’s not intentional, and came from a good place.

To help you make the perfect cake (with no accidents, hopefully), check out this surprise cake kit here:

So Yummy

Even if your cake doesn’t turn out how you planned, you could always present it on a cute cake stand, which you can find here:

So Yummy

Happy baking!

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