When you pay $22 for a slice of avocado toast, you probably expect it to be way, way better than what you can make at home. Maybe the avocados are sourced directly from the farm right next to the restaurant, or maybe they make fresh, homemade bread every morning. At the very least, you’d expect to be wowed by the presentation. Avocados generally cost a buck, maybe two if they’re super not in-season. A slice of bread? A few cents. So there better be some special ingredients to warrant a $22 price tag. Sadly, none of this happened for Taylor Lorenz, who ordered avocado toast on Seamless and received a total disaster.
Now, you might know that avocado toast is kind of a stereotypical product for millennials. How? Well, according to KnowYourMeme, it all spun from an article about a millionaire named Tim Gurner. Gurner reportedly stated that if millennials stopped wasting money on avocado toast, they could afford to buy a home. It was funny since, well, avocado toast isn’t typically a pricey menu item. That is, unless you’re ordering daily from the ridiculous place Lorenz did. And surely, cutting out a simple breakfast item won’t turn anyone into a millionaire, all things considered.
When Lorenz posted a photo of her toast, she had no clue it’d reach the level it did. While a lot of people laughed (since hey, it’s pretty funny), she also received a fair share of unexpected harassment.
“I thought my friends would laugh too at the ridiculousness of it and maybe throw me a fave or two and move on,” she admitted to The Wrap. “Of course, it spread faster than that though and within an hour I was receiving harassment on levels I haven’t gotten in months.”
The comment is sad on a few levels — for one, the fact that avocado toast would cause such an uproar. Two, because as a female journalist, she openly admitted that this isn’t the first time she’s been harassed online.
Lorenz didn’t take down the tweet, but she tried to settle a few points.
The writer also couldn’t believe that many people felt the toast symbolized way more than a portable lunch option.
Luckily, there were a few people out there who recognized that all Lorenz wanted to do was document a sad brunch incident. Regardless of the cost, or what was in the bag, we’ve all had bad delivery experiences before. And the fact that she refused to name the place that served up the expensive toast proves she honestly wanted nothing out of this moment but to share a laugh.
Holy cow that escalated quickly.
— willie (@MoreWillie) July 29, 2018
So next time you’re out to eat and see $22 avocado toast on the menu, maybe you should choose another dish instead.

If you’d rather make your own fancy brunch at home, may we suggest these easy (and budget-friendly) hacks?
Gorgeous brunch, no hassle.