Impress your guests with these surprisingly simple ways to elevate your cooking!


Join us as we reimagine classic recipes through a creative, gastronomical lens – making the extraordinary as easy as pie! With 7 mind-bending recipes and techniques, we’ll show you how to create culinary wonders like mozzarella balloons that defy gravity, caviar milk and cookies that’ll redefine indulgence, suspended sangria for a twist on your favorite sip, and a foamy cherry pie that’s out of this world. Remember– the only limit in the kitchen is your imagination!

Recipe 1/4

Birthday Enchiladas

60 Min


6-8 Servings




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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Recipe 1/7

Mozzarella Balloons

20 minutes


4 Servings



  1. Start boiling water in a small saucepan. 
  2. Slice your ball of fresh mozzarella into 5 slices, so they’re about 1/3” thick.
  3. Gently hold a mozzarella slice in the boiling water for a few seconds. 
    1. NOTE: Alternatively, you can use a slotted spoon, but be aware the mozzarella will stick. You do not need to hold it in for too long as it will become too melted and unworkable. 
  4. Gently fold the melted mozzarella over and stretch it until your mozzarella becomes almost bubblegum-like in texture and shine. 
  5. Once you’ve reached the desired consistency, make a small square by folding it over itself a few times. On one hand, place your index finger and thumb together. With the other hand, place the mozzarella square over your fingers and push down to create a dent in the mozzarella. Use this as a starting point to place over the siphon that has been charged with an N2O cartridge. 
  6. Tightly wrap your cheese around the nozzle and squeeze the siphon’s trigger to inflate the mozzarella to its desired size.
  7. Pinching tight on the end to seal it, remove your balloon and enjoy being a scientist!

Recipe 2/7

Mango Egg Yolks

40 minutes


12 Servings



  1. Gently and slowly mix your sodium alginate into your water until it’s combined. 
    1. NOTE: If there are some bubbles, let it sit for an hour or two in the fridge and they will dissolve.
  2. In a separate bowl, whisk together your mango nectar, mango puree and calcium lactate well.
  3. Siphon your mango mixture up into your large turkey baster and set aside.
  4. Pour your sodium alginate mixture into an egg dish slowly to avoid any bubbles. Be careful not to fill all the way to the top as you will be adding more liquid to them.
  5. Using your turkey baster, squeeze the mango mixture into the individual egg dishes, making sure to not splash into the Sodium Alginate and form one big ball. You will notice it start to sink into the Sodium Alginate in a few seconds. Let it sit completely emerged for 3 – 5 minutes while the Sodium Alginate “cooks” a fine gel layer around the sphere. 
  6. Remove your mango spheres from the Sodium Alginate and gently wash with distilled water.
  7. Place them on top of dessert of your choice and enjoy your Mango Egg Yolks! We recommend a vanilla panna cotta or cheesecake! 

*TIP: If storing them overnight, leave your Mango Egg Yolks in cold water after rinsing them. If there are any clear, gel-like strings on them, they can gently be removed with tweezers with no harm to your yolks.

Recipe 3/7

“Dirty” Martini

1 hour


2 Servings



  1. Preheat your oven to 310F.
  2. Place a handful of olives between two deli lids. Using a hammer, bang against the top deli lid a few times to get some easy pitting!
  3. Once all your olives are pitted, place them on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
  4. Bake for 40 minutes or until dried out (they’ll start to look like raisins).
  5. Place the dehydrated olives into a food processor and pulse until they are a nice, fine grain resembling dirt.
  6. Place in a shallow dish. Pour some olive oil into another shallow dish that is wider than the rim of your glass. 
  7. Rim your martini glass with the olive oil, then with the olive grains.
  8. Mix and pour your martini into your rimmed glass. Stick a few fresh olives on a toothpick and plop into each glass to garnish. 
  9. Enjoy your nice, classy, scientific drink!

Recipe 4/7

Milk & Cookies Caviar

1 hour+ (Chill time)


3 Servings



  1. Let your oil cool in the freezer overnight, it needs to be ice cold!
  2. Remove the filling of 5 Cookies, keeping all 10 of the biscuits.
  3. Pour your hot water over your 10 chocolate sandwich cookie halves and mix together well. While the mixture is still hot, mix in your 3.5g of Agar Agar and mix very well until the agar has dissolved.
  4. Dissolve the other 3.5g of Agar Agar into your hot milk until well dissolved.
  5. Using pipettes (or a small syringe), siphon up some of each mixture.
  6. Release small droplets of each mixture into the frozen oil and watch them fall! Let them sit for about a minute and then remove with a slotted spoon.
  7. Rinse in a bowl of cold water and enjoy Milk & Cookies Caviar!

*TIP: If keeping overnight, be sure to store your caviar in cold water in the fridge. This will ensure they won’t dehydrate and the agar can stay cool and keep its shape.

Recipe 5/7

Neapolitan Noodles

30 minutes


6 Servings



  1. In separate bowls, melt your 3 different ice-creams and heat them up to a simmer. Do NOT let them boil.
  2. Mix each with a batch of Super Agar very well until the Agar has dissolved.
  3. Using a syringe, siphon up some of each mixture and pipe them into your straws. 
  4. Place your straws into a big bowl of ice cold water and let them sit for a few minutes until they’re set.
  5. Remove the straws from the water and using your syringe, blow air into one end to push out your Neapolitan Noodles! 
  6. Place the noodles together in a bowl and grate some white chocolate on it and enjoy!

Recipe 6/7

Foamy Cherry Pie

2 hours+ Chill time


5 Servings



  1. In a big bowl, use an immersion blender to mix together your cherry pie filling, cherry juice, and Methocel and blend together well. The color will lighten and it will fluff up a bit.
  2. Seal the bowl with plastic wrap tightly and chill in the fridge for 2 hours (you can also leave it to chill overnight).
  3. Remove the bowl and blend well again, it will now start to puff up quite nicely and keep its form, similar to a soft-peak meringue.
  4. Scoop out a good heap and place it in a pie shell and decorate to your heart’s delight! The result will be a light but tasty pie!

Recipe 7/7

Suspended Sangria

20 minutes


5 Servings



  1. Using a magnetic stirrer, combine your white wine, triple sec and Xanthan Gum. 
    1. NOTE: Be sure to add in your Xanthan Gum a little at a time to avoid as many bubbles as possible. If your mixture has too many bubbles, simply let it sit overnight in the fridge to allow them to dissipate. 
  2. When it’s ready, pour your Sangria into 5 clean wine glasses.
  3. Slice up your fruit into cute, decorative shapes. Feel free to get creative with types of fruit and garnish! 
  4. Drop your fruits into each glass and adjust them to the position of your liking. 
  5. Enjoy your gravity-defying Suspended Sangria!

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