We’re losing our rinds over these game changing watermelon hacks!


Ah, watermelon… The perfect juicy and refreshing fruit of summer. It’s a fruit that is as sweet as a tropical vacation. But, here’s the twist: We’re about to take that humble, sun-soaked watermelon and turn it into a culinary sensation that will leave your taste buds dancing a conga line. From creative and innovative Watermelon Fries to Blue Watermelon slices that defy color norms, we’ve got a lineup of recipes that prove watermelon is the ultimate summer superstar! So, grab your apron and a slice of watermelon, because we’re diving headfirst into a world where watermelon is no longer just a fruit; it’s a passport to a flavor-packed adventure!

Recipe 1/4

Birthday Enchiladas

60 Min


6-8 Servings




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Recipe 1/7

Watermelon Fries

15 Minutes


8 Servings



  1. Slice watermelon into rounds, then remove the rind.
  2. Using a crinkle cutter, cut the watermelon into small sticks to create a french-fry shape.
  3. In a blender, add the strawberries, yogurt, sugar and cream. Blend until smooth and fully incorporated. Transfer strawberry sauce to a small bowl.
  4. Serve watermelon fries with the strawberry sauce and enjoy!

Recipe 2/7

Watermelon Fruit Jelly

15 hours


10 Servings



  1. Hydrate the gelatin in half a cup of warm water. Once it’s done, heat in microwave in 30 second bursts to combine. 
  2. Hollow out the watermelon, reserving a few chunks of the fruit.
  3. Fill the watermelon shell with strawberries, blackberries, grapes, blueberries, and the reserved watermelon. 
  4. Combine the rest of the water with hydrated gelatin and lemon juice. Add to the watermelon and refrigerate overnight to set. 
  5. Slice the watermelon and enjoy!

Recipe 3/7

Blue Watermelon Slices

15 hours


12 Servings




  1. Using a cooking syringe, inject gatorade into different parts of the watermelon.
  2. Let rest in the fridge overnight.
  3. Cut into slices to reveal this blue creation!

Recipe 4/7

Watermelon Shaved Ice

10 hours


10 Servings



  1. Cut the watermelon in half and make horizontal and vertical cuts around three inches apart to make sticks. 
  2. Freeze overnight.
  3. Take out sticks and grate on top of the plate or glass where it will be served. 
  4. Add lemon juice and chili!

Recipe 5/7

Watermelon Popsicles

8 hours


8 Servings




  1. Slice a watermelon into a round, and remove watermelon flesh from its peel. 
  2. Insert six popsicle sticks around the peel, so that half of it is inside and half is sticking out. Wrap the bottom of the peel with plastic wrap to avoid leaking.
  3. Blend the cubed watermelon with the greek yogurt and heavy cream. Pour mixture into the watermelon peel circle. 
  4. Place blueberries on top for decoration and freeze. 
  5. Cut into triangles and share with friends!

Recipe 6/7

Watermelon Cake

2 hours


10 Servings



  1. Trim ends off watermelon and cut in half. Shape into a cylinder.
  2. Using a hand mixer, whip cream, adding sugar, until it forms stiff peaks. 
  3. Decorate cake with whipped cream.
  4. Add sliced kiwis, peppermint, melon balls and grapes on top to decorate cake!

Recipe 7/7

Watermelon Ice Balls

2 hours


10 Servings



  1. Cut watermelon in half, and use an ice cream scoop to create watermelon spheres. 
  2. Put spheres on tray and freeze overnight. 
  3. Place spheres in a glass and add rosé and sprite. Garnish with a mint sprig and enjoy!

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