Here’s What Everyone Thinks Is Going On With Meghan Markle’s Baby

Meghan Markle baby

Is it just us, or has Meghan Markle been pregnant for, like, years? The Duchess of Sussex is reportedly about to give birth at any moment, having been on maternity leave since mid-April. Some speculators believed the baby had arrived yesterday, May 1st. However, palace sources quickly confirmed that baby Sussex has yet to enter the world.

“No royal baby yet,” palace sources said on Wednesday the 1st, according to Vanity Fair. Other sources reportedly confirmed to the U.K.’s Sun that Markle’s due date was April 28th, which, if true, means Markle is already four days late.

However, barely any information about Markle’s pregnancy, due date, or plans to announce the baby’s arrival has been shared with the public. According to Vanity Fair, the palace does plan on releasing an announcement soon after baby Sussex is born. But… how soon after do they plan on doing this? Hours? Days? Weeks?

Because Markle hasn’t been seen in public since March, many have questioned whether the baby has already arrived.

On April 30th, the Queen visited Harry and Meghan at their newly refurnished home, Frogmore Cottage, spurring even more speculation that Queen Elizabeth may be there to meet her newest great-grandchild.

The Queen doesn’t make spontaneous trips to visit her grandchildren for no reason. She’s simply not the type.

Why would she visit mere days before the baby is due? Why wouldn’t she just kill two birds with one stone and wait until the baby arrives?

Markle’s mother Doria Ragland reportedly arrived in London before Easter, as was the plan. And Prince William and Kate Middleton supposedly stopped by Frogmore Cottage after services on Easter Sunday.

Is everyone congregating because they know something we don’t?

Furthermore, Buckingham Palace announced on Wednesday, May 1st (aka, yesterday), that Prince Harry would attend a May 9th ceremony that marks the one-year countdown to next year’s Invictus Games. Why would Harry leave for Holland so close to the baby’s due date unless the baby is already here?

Let’s add up the facts, people. Signs are pointing to baby Sussex already being here.

Markle reportedly wants to keep her birth a private affair, hence the unsureness surrounding when an announcement will be made. Even if the baby is here, we still may be waiting quite a while for confirmation.

There’s nothing we can really do except wait some more, place bets on if the baby is a boy or a girl, and then continue to wait even more. Ugh.

But! But!

Wait. Does anyone know when the baby is supposed to get here? Come on, Will!

Obviously, we’ll find out about baby Sussex’s arrival sooner or later. It’s totally normal for new parents to want to keep their birth private.

We’ll wait patiently until the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are ready to share their news. As patiently as we can, anyway.

Honestly, this person has the right idea. We better go shopping before it’s too late!

Let the waiting game continue. And continue… and continue…

Baby Sussex, you better get here sooner than later!

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