The One Sweet Gift Everyone In Your Life Will Love, No Matter The Holiday Or Occasion

candy club gift

I’m really bad at giving gifts. It’s not that I don’t try — in fact, I try really, really hard. I try so hard that it’s embarrassing, and that’s solely because I fail every. Single. Time. I’ll spend weeks planning the perfect gift. With my target in sight, I’ll take note of everything they love, keeping track of their favorite colors, flavors, stores, and downtime activities. Yet, somehow I always miss the mark. I think it’s because I get too specific in my gifting. For instance, one November, my mom mentioned that in the spring, she wanted to plant rosemary in her garden, so I bought her (very strong) rosemary candies for Christmas. Long story short: They didn’t taste great… but my mom was kind about it, reciting the old adage, “It’s the thought that counts.” But that’s definitely not something you want to hear. “It’s the thought that counts” = failure.

Over the years, I’ve learned that when you stress yourself out over giving the perfect present, that defeats the purpose. Gift-giving is supposed to be about the feeling behind the moment — not about a product or price tag. That’s where I’d always gone wrong. I was more worried about finding a certain item rather than making the person behind the present feel loved and appreciated. So last year, I decided to change things up by giving the three main people in my life — my mom, my brother, and my sister — a gift that keeps on giving: a subscription box.

That’s where Candy Club comes in.

Since those three family members live together, I wanted to collectively get them all a subscription box that each of them would love. Three people for the price of one gift! The only problem: they all have different tastes, and I also want to make sure that they each get enough out of that one box. “What does every human being on this planet love?” I asked myself. The answer: CANDY. (If you don’t love candy, you are just lying to yourself, I’m sorry.)

When looking through food-based subscription boxes, a lot of them were too specific or too high-brow. I didn’t want to send them all one type of food, or products that wouldn’t feel like a special treat, so I narrowed down my search to desserts. And that’s when I came across Candy ClubIt’s like Christmas every month!” one reviewer said, pulling me right in. 

Candy Club offers a lot of different subscription payment options. With their generous $20 discount, your first delivery can cost as low as $9.99 + shipping. Each box contains three featured candies — and you can upgrade your selection to include four, five, or six different candies (plus the bonus wrapped candies included in every box!). Ultimately, I thought it would be fun for my family to experience the joy that comes with trying yummy candy from all around the world!

Gifting is super easy.

During a lunch break last September, I suddenly realized that my mom, my brother, and my sister all have their birthdays in October… and then there’s Christmas. So I quickly put my plan into action, taking a few minutes to place my Candy Club order. I went for the monthly plan for three months to cover the rest of the year, and I upgraded for $14.99 to get six candies instead of three.

I selected my plan, put in all my information, and ba-da-bing, ba-da-boom! That was it. The rest was left up to Candy Club’s experts, who specially select the candies that arrive each month.

The process of purchasing the boxes was pretty simple and straightforward, so not much to report here!

The results.

I didn’t tell my family what to expect, so they were pleasantly surprised when a box of goodies appeared on their front porch. Since it was October, they received a selection of fall- and Halloween-themed gummies, sours, taffies, and chocolates, which they were able to enjoy throughout the entire month. For the next two months, they also received various, seasonally-appropriate candies and loved trying all the treats — ones that they already loved and ones they’d never tried before.

“It was really nice to have for those moments when I wanted to treat myself,” my mom explained. “And your siblings were excited to try something new and fun!”

As for myself, I enjoyed giving my family a gift that literally kept on giving, and it was nice not having to worry about giving them something different for every holiday. Every time they ate one of their candies, they felt thought of and considered, and that’s the entire point of gift-giving. I finally got it right!

To learn more, you can visit Candy Club here.

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