When it comes to food, there are certain questions people ask over and over. How many ounces are in a cup? Eight. Can I use baking soda instead of baking powder? Yes, if you up the acidity to offset the baking soda with something like cream of tartar. How do I get my eyes to stop watering while I cut onions? Sharpen your knife or try one of these surprising onion cutting tricks. These days, in addition to asking classic cooking questions, people also wonder how to get Instagram likes with food pics. Actually, let me rephrase that: People wonder how to get lots of likes on Instagram with food pics. And how to get more followers on Instagram in the foodie community, too.
These days, we’re basically all competing with the Instagram Egg. In case you missed it, back in January, World Record Egg became the most liked picture on Instagram ever. The Instagram Egg dethroned Kylie Jenner as the most liked Instagram post and now, we’re all just trying to keep up. So, if you’re wondering how to get more Instagram likes on your food pics, we have some tips that can help. You might not become World Record Egg famous, but why not try?
First, opt for natural lighting.
Unless you’re using a professional camera or you have an excellent smartphone camera, most dimly-lit restaurant pictures don’t turn out well, no matter how delicious the food. As an alternative, consider ‘gramming your boozy brunch instead of your bestie’s birthday dinner. The lighting will be much better.
Learn to get clever with lighting tricks.
If you absolutely must photograph your delicious dinner, there are some simple lighting tricks that will improve the quality of your shot. If there’s a candle on the table, you can use it for some extra backlighting. Or, have a friend turn on their flash for an extra lighting boost.
Photograph your plate from the top down.
Nine times out of 10, the best plate pics are taken from above. Don’t worry; nobody’s judging you. We all do it.
Or, snap it straight on.
You can also get a great shot if you take it straight on. Hold your phone perfectly upright and in line with your dish, and your followers will take note.
Edit the photo.
Even the best food pics need a little bit of editing. Free apps like VSCO and Adobe Lightroom will transform your shots from dull to delicious.
But when you edit, use more than just filters.
Filters are fine, but they’re more of a starting point than a finished product. Experiment with contrast, color balance, saturation, sharpness, and highlights and shadows. They’ll really make your food pics pop.
Play with focus.
These adorable macarons are clearly the stars of the shot. Though the other elements on the table are out of focus, they still add nice context and texture.
Add hashtags.

It’s Instagram 101, but the advice still stands: If you want more people to see your food pictures, include food-related hashtags. Popular food hashtags include #foodie, #foodporn, and #foodgasm.
Tag food accounts.

Tagging popular food accounts is a great way for your food pics to reach a bigger audience. Did you cook a new recipe? Tag where you found it. Are you at a restaurant? Tag it. Do you follow any foodies or food influencers who re-share yummy food pics? Tag them, too. You never know who will see—and re-gram—your photos.
Tag your location, too.

If you took the photo at a restaurant, don’t forget to add the location so the owners and your fellow patrons can see it. Again, it’s Instagram 101, but you’d be surprised by the number of people who don’t do it.
But remember: Less is more.
If you edit your photo too much, your followers will be able to tell. If you use too many hashtags, it can come across as #thirsty. Find a balance that feels authentic and you’ll be #winning.
Spend time on your caption.
While the focus is on your food pic, you can’t overlook the caption. Take a few extra moments to think of something quick and clever. You’d be surprised how much of a difference it makes.
Like other people’s food pics.

Explore food hashtags and like what you see. The more photos you like, the greater the chance of broadening your own audience.
See foodie photo opportunities everywhere.
Sometimes, the best food pics aren’t of a finished dish. Instead, they’re of the prep that helped you get there.
The next time you see a great food pic on Instagram, take a moment to consider what you like about it. Is it a great angle? Good lighting? A nice composition? Take notes from food accounts you admire and apply their techniques to your own pics. You’ll be a foodie #influencer before you know it.