If You Eat The Same Breakfast Every Day, You’re More Likely To Succeed In Life. No, Really

breakfast food

I’m a creature of habit. Even though breakfast is, by far, the best meal of the day, I usually try to keep things on the simple side. Usually, it’s an egg on a piece of toast.  Sometimes, I get wild and throw a tomato slice in there. Y’know — to keep things healthy. If I remembered to buy bagels that week, sometimes the toast gets swapped out. Still, nothing crazy. It turns out that my behavior isn’t as abnormal as I think it is.

ExtraCrispy reported that eating the same breakfast on a daily basis might actually help you make better decisions during the day. And no, that’s not because you’re making those choices on a full stomach. They wrote that having to make that crucial “what should I have for breakfast” call in the morning might cause you a little bit of decision fatigue. It’s just one of the many choices you have to make that day, and likely one of the first.

So, say you stick with what you know. Your brain kind of goes on autopilot while you eat, meaning your first big decisions of the day will probably happen at work. And they’ll likely be smart ones.


If you haven’t heard of decision fatigue, just think about your normal day. Chances are, you start work with a clear mind — but by the time 2 p.m. rolls around, you’re grabbing chips and energy drinks as you feel the day slowly crawl by. Part of that is based on decision fatigue. As it gets later in the day, the decisions you make get hazier.

The whole concept might make you think about other things you can put on autopilot. By simplifying your life a little, you may very well notice improvements both at work and at home.

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