18 Pictures Of Food With Holes That Will Creep Anyone With Trypophobia Out

food with holes

Have you ever wondered why you can’t stand even the thought of a bunch of tiny holes? Have you ever cringed in fear at a photo of something that features a seemingly endless amount of holes, then wondered if there was something wrong with you? Here’s a thought: you might have trypophobia, a fear of clusters of holes. If you aren’t sure, simply keep scrolling. If you do have trypophobia, we bet you can’t handle looking at these pictures of food with holes.

According to The Sun, the word “trypophobia” is a relatively new one, having been coined in 2005 by internet users. It merges the Greek words for hole and fear. In fact, the condition is one that seemed to grow online and as of now, the term is not considered an official condition. It has not been recognized in the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). The DSM has defined a phobia as a “marked fear or anxiety about a specific object or situation. The fear is out of proportion to the actual danger, it persists over time and it causes distress.”

People who suffer from trypophobia feel discomfort, disgust, or fear when they look at images of clusters of small holes — think sponges, coral, or soap bubbles. They might feel itchy, like their skin is crawling, or incredibly uncomfortable. A phobia, which is an extreme fear, typically stems from a protective purpose, like being afraid of an insect that could sting you or flying in a plane that could crash. But trypophobia in particular has stumped psychiatrists.

Regardless of what trypophobia means, many people deal with it every day. And if you’re one of those people, then you probably don’t want to look at the below images of food with, well, a bunch of holes.

Don’t say we didn’t warn you!

1. Strawberries

2. Pancakes

A friend who has trypophobia says that pancakes only make her feel uncomfortable when they’re cooking on the griddle.


3. Honeycomb

4. Aero Chocolate

5. Pomegranates

6. Kiwi

7. Crumpets

8. Okra

9. Chia Seed Pudding

10. Cantaloupe

11. Sourdough Bread

12. Lotus Root

13. Swiss Cheese

14. Garlic Cloves


15. Watermelon

16. Macaroni and Cheese

17. Passionfruit

18. Coffee

We are so sorry.

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