You Should Be Eating Pizza For Breakfast, NOT Cereal — According To A Nutritionist

pizza for breakfast

Back in the day, it was common for many of us to eat a bowl of Cap’n Crunch before school. Or, if we were trying to be healthy, Basic 4. But, times have changed — and a lot of us are looking at other options. If you’ve ever wanted one of those options to be pizza, you’re in luck. One nutritionist thinks it’s not actually that bad for you first thing in the morning.

Here are some of the unfortunate truths about cereal. For one, cereal is often loaded with sugar, which makes it a questionable choice to start your day with. Also, your idea of a “serving size” of cereal may be way different than what’s suggested on the box. Isn’t that always the case? As someone who used to totally hoard boxes of Special K Soy Protein as a young adult, those labels weren’t something I liked to necessarily spend a lot of time looking at.

Pizza’s not necessarily considered a health food either. But it’s actually a little better than cereal for a bunch of different reasons. Nutritionist Chelsey Amer, MS, RDN, CDN, stated to the Daily Meal that it’s actually a lot more balanced of a breakfast than people might assume, and it has a lot less sugar than cereal. “Pizza packs a much larger protein punch, which will keep you full and boost satiety throughout the morning,” she said.


Just think about it — pizza covers a lot of food groups. And if you happen to prefer your slices loaded with veggies, even better.

So, that’s yet another reason to order an extra pie with your next delivery. If you’re in a rush in the morning and don’t mind it cold, it’s an even easier and more convenient option that won’t lead to a dreaded sugar crash in the middle of the morning.  Breakfast is a meal you probably don’t want to skip, so you might as well make your choice count.


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