Some might hear the word “mushroom” and immediately shy away. Believe me, I used to be the same. I absolutely loved them as a kid, and through my teens, I absolutely loathed them. Then, when I took up being a vegetarian during my early 20s, I was reunited with my love of mushrooms. So hear me (and my love-hate relationship with mushrooms) out on this one. This is another amazing and unique recipe by Sade, our So Yummy food stylist.
There are a lot of perks to working for So Yummy, and one of them is definitely getting to taste-test all of the amazing food the producers and food stylists come up with. These fried mushrooms were no exception. I couldn’t help myself. I just kept going back for more. I was so surprised that I loved this recipe as much as I did. I’m normally weird about food textures, but these were so crispy and fresh out of the fryer. The flavor was amazing and the mushrooms definitely took on a meat-like texture. So if you’re still wary about mushrooms, definitely give this recipe a try.
My mouth is watering just thinking about these. They were such a big hit with the editorial office that we’re all so excited to go home and make them ourselves. Fortunately, they’re easy to whip up.

So Yummy
Give your mushrooms more flavor by marinating them.
Toss 1 ½ lbs of large oyster mushrooms, with the stems removed, into a large bowl or pie dish. We found that using a pie dish worked perfectly for this recipe because of all the added surface area. Pour over 1 cup of any non-dairy milk. We used an unsweetened cashew milk. Also, add in 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. This marinade serves as a vegan buttermilk to help tenderize the mushrooms and give them a nice juicy center.

So Yummy
You can get the dish here!
Stir the mushrooms around for a minute, so they’re thoroughly coated in the “buttermilk” mixture. Let this sit and marinate for around 2-3 minutes. You want the mushrooms to absorb the moisture and become slightly tender.

So Yummy
In a separate dish, combine all of your dry ingredients together. We found that the same dish we used for marinating the mushrooms worked best for this. It provides enough surface area to mix up the seasoned flour without getting it all over the table.

So Yummy
Remove the mushrooms from the marinade and place them in the dish with the seasoned flour. Roll them around and throw the flour on them so they are thoroughly coated. To save time, you can throw 2-3 pieces in at a time. When they’re coated to your liking, place them on a parchment paper-lined baking sheet. Give the mushrooms a little shake to knock off any excess flour that won’t stick. This will help prevent the cooking oil from clouding up right away.

So Yummy
You’re ready to start frying!
Pour 5 cups of vegetable oil (or any other frying oil you have on hand) into a large pot. Heat the oil up to 375°F/190°C. Unsure if the oil is at the correct temperature? Pro tip: If you don’t have a cooking thermometer on hand, take the handle of a wooden spoon and stick it into the oil. If the oil begins to steadily bubble, you’re ready to go. If the oil bubbles vigorously, that means it’s too hot.

So Yummy
When your oil is at the correct temperature, set the heat to medium to medium-low, to maintain the same temperature throughout. Gently lower the coated mushroom pieces into the heated oil. Be careful to not overcrowd the pot. Depending on how big your mushroom pieces are, you should be able to fry the whole batch in 3-4 rounds.

So Yummy
If you’re looking to achieve a crispy, golden crust on your “fried chicken,” cook both sides of the mushroom for a total of 8 minutes (4 minutes on each side!). Use a wire skimmer to scoop out the fried mushrooms. Immediately place them on a wire rack with parchment paper underneath to catch any excess oil drips.

So Yummy
Once the excess oil has drained, transfer the fried mushrooms to a serving dish. Sprinkle the pieces with kosher salt to enhance the flavor. These bad boys can be served as is or with hot sauce. Honestly, they taste amazing on their own, but if you’re looking for a little extra kick, they’ll definitely pair well with a hot sauce.
If you’re interested in trying out this recipe at home, check out the ingredients and Sade’s instructions below.
Ingredients, illustrated:

So Yummy
Sade’s Instructions:
- In a medium bowl, stir together cashew milk and apple cider vinegar. This will serve as a vegan buttermilk to tenderize the mushrooms and create a juicy center to our “fried chicken.”
- Coat the oyster mushrooms in the vegan buttermilk. Let them marinate for 2-3 minutes to absorb the moisture.
- In a large bowl, mix together flour, salt, cayenne pepper, white pepper, onion powder, garlic powder, and paprika. Mix well so each bite has a kick of every spice.
- Take the drenched mushrooms and toss them in the seasoned flour. Shake off any excess flour that isn’t sticking — this will prevent the cooking oil from getting cloudy.
- Bring oil to 375°F. Keep the heat at medium to medium-low, to maintain temperature and to ensure evenly cooked pieces. Be sure to not overcrowd the pot. To achieve a crisp golden brown crust, cook both sides for 8 minutes (4 minutes on each side). Allow space for each piece to swim in oil and not touch. Depending on your pot size, 3-4 small batches should do the trick.
- Place paper down on your serving dish, to absorb excess oil, and season right away with kosher salt to enhance the flavor. Serve alone or with hot sauce.