Do You Think The Caption For This Cat Wearing A McDonald’s French Fries Box Is Funny?

mcdonald's fries cat hat

We certainly bada-ba-ba-ba love McDonald’s as much as the next person. But we weren’t aware that felines also have an affinity for Mickey D’s — specifically, McDonald’s french fries. One such cat, appropriately dubbed “McDonald’s Cat,” showed off their love for the famous fast food chain by wearing a fries box on their head. They, of course, became a meme, and here we are with some hilarious captions.

The exact origins of McDonald’s Cat aren’t known, but we were able to trace the meme back to Imgur where it was posted on June 3rd, 2017 by user, Milchgeist. McDonald’s Cat, clearly Canadian judging by the red maple leaf in the golden arches, has only been viewed just under a 1,000 times on the site. But nevertheless, they have definitely made the social media rounds. Thanks to the lack of caption with the initial post, people got creative in the comments.

“What’s the W stand for?” an Imgur user asked. Milchgeist responded, “WhackDonald’s.” Someone else commented, “Wow, the nuggets look incredibly underdone.” And another user said, “That is clearly a Wumbo Cat.” (Remember when Patrick tells Spongebob to set Mermaid Man’s belt to “wumbo” to un-shrink Squidward? “I wumbo, you wumbo, he, she, me…wumbo!”)

Whatever. We’re getting off track.

McDonald’s cat

McDonald’s Cat circulated through social media and eventually landed on Reddit’s MEOW_IRL community where it received even more wumbo comments.

From there, it was shared via this anonymous SnapChat message where the sender captioned it, “chiknkein nugeget,” to which the person receiving it wrote back, “I had a stroke trying to read that.” We’re not sure why, but we’re laughing really hard.


Wumbo Cat — er, McDonald’s Cat — went on to inspire many other cat owners to deck their feline friends out in McDonald’s-sponsored attire. Thankfully, they did us the honor of sharing their recreations online.

Okay, it’s time for us to climb out of this meme hole. Thanks for giving us a chuckle, McDonald’s Cat.

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